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Authors note: hope you like new part. This has a 2 week time jump in it. Also smut warning hope you enjoy it.

It's been a couple weeks since Chris and Mia found each other again. It took him some convincing but she and Gracie moved in with him permanently. Chris and Mia even decorated Gracie's new bedroom with Disney princesses everywhere. It was just a couple days before Chris was leaving for California to go film his new movie with his ex, Mia was giving the ok at the doctors to travel with him. That morning at the doctors Chris had never been more in love and happy with Mia.

"Hi Mia how are we feeling today?"

"Hi Dr.Green, I'm ok little tired, but ok."

Dr.Green was a tiny woman in her late 50s, she was wearing glasses and always had her black hair in bun.

"Ok, and I'm assuming this is the father."

Chris shock the doctors hand.

"Yes that would be me. My name is Chris."

"Oh Chris I know who you are my grandson is huge marvel fan and love's Captain America. It's nice to meet you. Now Mia my concern last time was your blood pressure but everything seems fine now. How about your anxiety lately?"

"Um I feel ok, just a little nervous about if I can fly. Chris has filming out west and I want to go with him."

"I see well your almost 18 weeks, you should be ok but let's get you and the baby check out as well."

"Dr. Green what about Mia's blood pressure, what was wrong there."

"Chris, I'm assuming before you got told about Miss pregnancy she was very stressed out. Mia had mentioned someone contacting her regularly but she was doing her best to ignore them. I think that might have cause the issue."

"Oh ok, so her blood pressure that's something we need to keep and eye on?"

"Yes, as I told Mia she need to set back with her work a little and rest more."

"Um hello you to I'm right in the room. Yes Dr.Green my boss in LA he let me work less hours from home. If he hadn't his girlfriend would have kick his ass."

"Ok Mia, that's great but this is also what I'm talking about, you seen upset and need to try and calm your emotions so you don't get stressed out."

"I know, I'm sorry. I'm just trying to do everything at once. I have to get ready for the baby and I have Gracie other things."

"Baby, I'm here I can help you as much as possible ok. If you need help with things tell me. You Gracie and the baby that's my top priority."

"Oh you two are so cute together. It's sweet reminds me of my husband and myself at that time in our lives. Anyways Mia how about we hear this babies heartbeat again."

They all walk into a different room Mia gets on the bed and the doctor put the cold slummy cream on her belly. She turns on ultrasound machine and starts looking at her screen. Chris and Mia wait patiently. Once the doctor turn the screen so they can see it.

"Here you go you two. This is your baby."

Chris heard a loud fast beat, is going crazy.

"What is that noise doctor?"

"That's the babies heartbeat. I'll just give you two a moment alone."

It's just Chris with Mia now.

"Chris your crying?"

"I love you so much Mia. I can't believe that's our baby. Please Mia..."

"Chris I told you not cause of the baby. I love you so much though. Should we find out if this he or she?"

Chris Evans: Fine Printजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें