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Authors note: there is a 3 week jump at
Some point in this part. Also there is minor smut on this part. So if you don't want to
Read that part skip it. I'll make a warning before it.

Chris tossed and turned trying to sleep all last night. He was trying to come up with a plan for Mia to finally get this is some business deal to him. His mind kept overthinking, but what if she doesn't feel the way I feel for her.

"Fuck there's, just no way she doesn't feel it. I felt it in her kisses. Come Chris you need to get this together."

He kept doubting everything. Megan had texted him informing him that Mia came by her office first thing in the morning and signed the contract agreement. Chris was in this now fake relationship for pr, but he was going to do what he could to prove his feelings for her are real.

He texted Mia right away once he heard the news.

Mia you didn't have to do this, please know this business deal with isn't what I want. My team contacting you last night. I wasn't aware till you told me. What I feel for you is real, you can't deny you don't feel it."

Chris l, this is just to complicated now. There is things going on in my life right now. I hardly have spare moment to breath. My mom was right day the day after we met, I need to out Gracie first always. I don't have time for dating.

Mia I know your busy, I won't pressure you at all. I can even help you if you let me. Yes Gracie comes first I'm all for that. However you need to make sometime for yourself too. Right? Please just tell me you'll give me a chance. Tell me you feel it too?

Chris kept wait what felt like for hours for her response. He knew she was working and understood she's busy, but he wasn't going to keep begging or chasing her. He was about to send her a text giving up when her name came across his phone.


"Yes Chris, I have feelings for you. So much that they scare the hell out of me."

"Mia I'd never hurt you."

"Never say never. I know your not my ex but as kids he told me that and then that's exactly what he did to me."

"Just see me, let's see where this goes. I'lll get my team to void the contract."

"Chris you can't do that what if you get in trouble with them. It's to better your career. I can't ask you to sacrifice everything for me. What if it doesn't work out between us. What if it's the biggest nightmare."

"Mia, it won't look if you want we can keep up appearances for pr side of things. But everything else is private for us. What do you think?"

"Chris can I think about it. I have finals coming up for my online schooling. I have to get this script done and see what happens. Plus working I'm exhausted."

"Ok, I can give you some time if that's what you want."

"Thank you, for now can we keep this to texting and phone calls. It's just people in my life will have something to say about all of this, us."

Chris smiled and his heart pound when she said is.

"Ok beautiful let's keep it private for now between us."

"Ok Chris sorry I really need to get back to work. Unfortunately I have to stay late for a meeting."

"What about Gracie?"

"Oh my "mother"is watching her for tonight, they way I can work on stuff I need to get done."

Something about the way Mia said mother was off to him. He did notice what she said in the text before about her mom saying she needs to put Gracie first. Chris wondered if there was some issue with Mia and her mother. He also wasn't happy about her working late with her boss. He was going to get Josh's help on looking into her boss.

Chris Evans: Fine PrintWhere stories live. Discover now