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Authors Note: this part has a one week time jump half way through it. Hope you enjoy it and there will be a tiny bit of smut in this part as well. Hope to have next part up tomorrow evening.

Last night with Mia, was the best feeling for Chris. Well partly when he slept all he kept seeing was 10 year old Miranda. She was invading his dreams and thoughts more and more.

Chris woke up at 5am in California, he looked at Mia sleeping peacefully next to him. He already knew he'd fallen for her long ago, but something from his past kept pulling him in a different direction. He thought about Scott's words the night before, he slipped out of bed and went out the sliding glass doors. He stood there in the backyard and dial his mom.

"Christopher, is everything alright?"

"Hi Mom, just calling to see how your doing."

"Honey I love you but you can't lie to me. It's 5:10am there, I know when something is on your mind. Is everything ok with you and Mia, I can't wait to meet her and her daughter.

"Yes she's great they both are fine. Ok look it's really weird mom. Just I keep having these dreams from when I was 10 years old. It's about the summertime."

"Oh Chris. What is going on with you?"

"There's this girl, I just don't know if these are dreams or memories."

"Um ok, Chris. This girl did she have a name?"

"Ya her name was Miranda. Does that ring a bell with you or is my mind messing with me."

"Oh honey, yes I remember her, she was a beautiful girl. You had such a crush on her. Well you both had crushes on each other. You guys spent everyday together that summer until."

"Until what? Mom what happened?"

"Chris it's not my story to tell. Just I know her parents fought a lot and you always found her early in the morning with her dog sitting by the old oak tree."

"I remember she left one day, I promised to stay in touch with her. Mom it was raining and then she was gone."

"Oh Chris, look her father was originally from here. Her mother was from Los Angles and money. Her parents marriage was toxic. When they left is broke Miranda's heart, I'll I heard was her parents spilt up when they got back out west. She lived with her mom and her dad was pushed away from that little girl."

"I need to know mom, if she's still ok. If she's still out there. Maybe she moved back to Boston when she got older."

"I don't know Chris. I never heard much about her after that summer. Honey though your happy with Mia right. Don't go chasing after ghost of the past. You might end up losing out on everything you ever wanted in the process."

"I know mom, I just I need to have the answers so I give very thing to Mia. It feels like half on my heart is stuck in the past."

"Alright Christopher, but I'm telling you be careful. This Mia and her daughter sound so lovely. I don't want to you to lose out, or then end up hurt. Honey I love you you can talk to me. I can wait to see you next week."

"I love you too mom. I better let you go I know you got things to do."

"Ok Chris, let me find a photo from back than maybe that will help  jog your memory. I love you now go have a good Saturday with Mia and Gracie."

Chris got off the phone with his mom. He started to make some pesto eggs with teas do he could give Mia breakfast in bed. He listened to his moms advice and decided to put this hole Miranda thing off to the slide for now. He walked into the bedroom now about 6:30am he put the trade of food beside Mia. He kissed her forehead.

Chris Evans: Fine PrintWhere stories live. Discover now