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Authors Note: New part hope you enjoy it. It is a bit longer than ones before it. There is minor smut in this part but will be getting smuttier as it goes, so if it's not something you like let me know. I can always make pg parts separate from the smut ones. Again hope you like the story so far.

Chris is sitting in the chair as he watches Mia head to the boardroom door. He wants to stop her, but part of him can't help but be annoyed at her. She left him in the hotel room that morning now she's leaving him again. He can't stop thinking of her, but she must not have been giving him a second thought at all.

When she looks back at him, Chris even though he's annoyed he can't help but be intrigued by Mia. She gives him a sad smile. He thinks maybe she does feel something. Then she's gone. He looks at Josh.

"Get me all of the information you can on Mia?"

"Chris she just said no to the offer."

"I know I don't fucking care. I need to talk to her. If she doesn't feel the same as me than I'll walk away but I need to know."

Megan comes walking back into the boardroom with one of younger blonde girl. Her name is Tina, she look around late 20s. She flips out when she see Chris.

"Omg your Chris Evans. Did I win contest or something. Please can I take a photo with you. My friends will die when I post a picture with you."

Megan starts to speak some more. Chris is just lost in his thoughts. He already knows Tina is not going to happen. He's got three more women to meet, but he could care less. He only wants Mia.

"Excuse me Megan, I just got a text. I have to leave there's an emergency. Sorry Tina wasting your time."

"Oh um, that's ok Chris. Hope everything is ok, do you mind if I can get that photo with you?"

"Ya sure."

Chris takes a photo with Chris. Megan then informs Tina she can't post that photo anywhere. As she signed Non disclosure agreement. Tina understands and agrees not to post the photo. She says her goodbye and leaves.

"Chris what the hell is going on. What am I supposed to tell the women waiting?"

"Megan I can't help this, see if you can reschedule, or do what I am asking and get Mia to agree for me."

"Chris she's gone and not agreeing to it you need to move on. Why are you so invested in this woman?"

"Megan I met her over a week ago at the club."

"Chris, please tell me you didn't hook up with her. Is that's why you want me to get her to come back here somehow?"

"No Megan, we didn't hook up. No need to worry about some story in the media. I want to talk to her."

"Well all I can do is try and email her."

"Fine than. I have to leaving now."

That night Chris just hangs out at home, wondering just what he will say to Mia when he finds her. He waits for Josh to get all the information which he said would have been on some email. the next day Chris and Josh head to Nobu for lunch to talk.

"So I found the email Megan cc'd to everyone."

"What does it say?"

"It has all the girls names and information."

"What does it say about Mia?"

"So it gives that she's been divorced for over 3 years now. Her daughter is 3 so seems like her marriage ended before she had her daughter. It gives her work, she works for a smaller marketing firm as the CEO's assistant. His name is Jack Blackwell."

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