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Authors Note: sorry it's taking me so long, just crazy busy with work, kid's activities, and gym. Hope you like this new part. It's a little shorter but got something coming with a little fun in the next part or so.

Mia is still sleeping in her hospital bed. Chris arranged for her to have private room. Maggie and Jack took Gracie to get some ice cream. Just to get Gracie smiling again. The doctors said do to the stress and high blood pressure issue Amos was having she be in and out sleep for the rest of the day. Chris sat next to her holding her hand talking to her, he kiss her hand, her forehead.

Mia kept dreaming in her rest, she was walking down a white isle in the trees. Chris was standing up at the altar waiting for her. Gracie was good her hand as they walked towards Chris together. Scott was holding their baby in his arms next to Chris. She couldn't see his face, she get to Chris the pastor would start the wedding, than it would happen.

"Does anyone see fit why these two shouldn't t be married?"

"I do, she's not taking my grandchildren away from me I'll fight you forever Mia. You'll lose I'll make sure of it."

Her mother would start that rant, then it would go dark. Mia having tears would look to Chris.

"Baby, I love you but I can't deal with this crazy woman. I'm sorry I can't marry you good bye I will always love you."

"Chris please no our family. I love you we can fight her."

"Our baby, Mia we lost the baby you mom caused that, she put you in the hospital."

Mia would be in tear falling to the ground, her happy dream became her worst nightmare. She would fight to keep the happy dream, she didn't want I wake up and her that reality. She want to stay in her dream and have her mother not ruin it. She kept having the same dream over and over again.

Chris would notice tears coming out Mia's eyes when she slept. He would try to calm her by talking to her.

"Baby please wake up, everything is good."

It felt like days to him.

He was hold her hand when he had passed out exhausted and fell asleep. He felt someone touching his hair. They put their hand in his hair rubbing his head. Chris opened his eyes to see Mia look at him with tears going down her face.

"Baby, your awake. You want done water let me get the doctor."

"Chris no, I don't want here the doctor and his and bad news yet. Water would be nice."

Chris poured a cup of water and helped her drink it.

"Mia, you scared the hell out of me. Don't ever do that again. I love you just I can't lose you."

"Chris, I'm sorry. Look I know your hurt by what we lost. I'm so sorry it's all my fault."

"Mia, what are you talking about, your awake I have you. You haven't lost me we haven't lost anything. Im just going to be making sure you healthy and relaxed for the next few months."

"Chris stop, I'm so sorry I lost our baby. It's my fault, I should have let my mother..."

"Baby, no you did nothing wrong, what do you mean lost our baby?"

"Chris I passed out in pain. I've lost our baby. I keep seeing it in my nightmares. I know Chris, don't hide it from me."

"Mia, I love you, but those are just nightmares, they aren't real. You and our little peanut in there are just fine. The baby is doing great. The doctor assured me of that hours ago."

"Chris, the baby, our baby is ok?"

"Mia of course, you just got over stressed. Nothing happened to the baby."

Chris Evans: Fine PrintOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora