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Author's note: Hope you like the new part. This has Mia and a Chris side to it. The next part will be a lot shorter. It will be Mia's take on things. Anyways hope you enjoy the read. 

Mia makes it to work just before 9am Monday morning. Her boss Jack is already there, he a complete dick. Mia had to rush Gracie to daycare this morning then drive to get Jack his latte that has to be the perfect temperature for him. If it's not he will make her drive back 20 minutes to the specific starbucks he likes to replace it. She was up at 4am today to work on the rom-com script. At 5am Jack called her at his normal time, tell her to draft up an email for a client right away. That he would let her know if he approved it to be sent out first thing this morning. Jack then went on to his usual douchie behaviour.

"Mia tonight, I need to stay late with me to work on a campaign . We can go to dinner or order in to the office." jack said on the phone.

"I'm so sorry Jack but I can't. I have to get my daughter from daycare by 6pm." Mia tells him trying to avoid him.

Jack has always been somewhat inappropriate towards Mia, and she's heard he has been like this with old assistants that eventually quit. Jack's company he runs was started by his grandfather, than passed down to his dad and now him. Mia says nothing about how he acts since she needs this job to support Gracie and herself.

"Alright, well we can order food come to my office at 4pm. I need you to make notes on my ideas. You can leave at 5:30 sharp." Jack said hanging up the phone.

Now hours later at 9am and she's heading into Jack's office with his drink and bagel. He smiles at her while he's on a phone call. he dismisses her. She heads back to her desk to do all her work. She's dreading this 4pm meeting with Jack, it will be more of him asking her to finally go to dinner date with him on the weekend. Jack isn't unattractive but he's never been her type and his attitude just disgusts here more than anything. The day drags on as everyone starts leaving the office around 4pm. Mia is still at her desk trying to avoid going into his office as much as possible.

4:10pm Mia's phone starts ringing at her desk. "Ms. Jones your late for our meeting. Please come to my office now." he hangs up.

Mia rolls her eyes in annoyance. She grabs her jacket and things, She heads to his office. Just say no is what she repeats to herself. She opens the door and Jack has pasta food already in his office for them. 

"Mia please sit down over here." Jack says.

She sits across the desk from him. "Thanks for the food boss, now you said I need to take note for the project."

"Mia what is the rush we have time. Now my first question is are you finally going go to dinner with me Friday night. Just the two of us. I'm sure your in need of a good..." he starts.

"Look Jack, I'm not ever going to mix business with pleasure for one. Two I'm not interested your my boss nothing more. You need to stop this behaviour or I'll walk." Mia snaps.

"Ok Ms. Jones than we need to get to work. I just think you should think about my offer at least do that for me." Jack says.

Mia isn't sure why but anytime she threatens to quit Jack stops right away and it business as usual. At 5:30pm Mia is done and rushes to the daycare, she grab Gracie and tells them sorry she was so late. They aren't upset at all some of the workers are so nice to her. They admire all she's doing for her daughter and herself. Mia gets home by 7pm she gives Gracie dinner, bath. She reads her a book and they watch another Disney movie "tangled" in bed till Gracie falls to sleep. Mia than works on her online writing course for school. It's 11pm she exhausted when her agent emails her. He lets her know he loves the first three acts in the script and the studio does too. He informs her that they want it done by the end of the month. He also tells her that he got her some meeting next monday at 11am that she needs to attend. Mia makes a note of it and already books it off her work calendar so Jack is aware as well.

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