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Authors Note: new part hope you like it. Next part will be up by tomorrow night sometime. Hope your enjoying this story. Again I'm joy trying to bash Chris's gf, this is how I saw the story going with idea I came up with. Enjoy

As Mia gets to the office building Rafe had mentioned for this meeting. She notice the office was of CAA, maybe he had gotten her a meeting with a manager to help with studio deals for her scripts. She was so excited, it was a step forward in her career for sure. Maybe one day she could quit working at the marketing firm for Jack finally. He constant flirting was insane, even today when he texted her she didn't have to work. He'd said take the day off enjoy your meeting sweetie, treat yourself today. Jack was a decent guy he just wasn't getting boundaries of employee boss relationships.

When Mia met with the blonde receptionist. She said she was meeting someone named Megan. The woman showed her to a small office room, where there was 5 other woman. Mia guessed anywhere ages later 20s to mid 30s. They where all beautiful looking Mia talked to a few of the woman who mentioned they were single too. Then a blonde woman came in and introduced herself a Megan. She told them she was publicist. A few of the girls smiled and looked shocked, they even started seeming excited. Megan informed them that they been pick for an important meeting and they be brought in one by one separately. She then gave the girls forms and asked them to read and sign them. Megan explained they the form is non disclosure agreement and if they went through with the meeting they couldn't mention it to anyone. Mia though to herself what the hell had Rafe gotten her into, all this woman want to be script writers.

Megan left the room, a couple girls were freaking out saying things like "Omg did you see who they is? You think we get to meet her client?"

Mia was busy reading over the NDA, she signed the form last. She noticed the other woman didn't even read the form. Mia had learned from her ex who had become someone she didn't know. She would never sign anything without reading it. One time he bought a car without getting Mia to read the papers he just said it was a minor form for the purchased that he'd be the buyer. She trusted him when he screwed up she was left with the bill. Thankfully her dad paid it off, much to her mother anger.

Megan came back to the room about 30 minutes later. "Mia we will take you in first."

"I'm sorry Megan but I need to ask, what is this meeting about. My agent Rafe told me to come to this, I thought it was for working with a manager for studios. I'm a screenplay writer." Mia said.

"I know Mia, we are completely aware of what you do for work and what your goal is for the career you want. Just don't worry this is a bad meeting. Relax and try not to stress out." Megan told her.

Mia did like this Megan woman, she seemed nice. Mai decided just roll with the punches and see what they have to offer her. She didn't not except what they came up with. They walk in to the boardroom and Mia stops dead in her tracks, sitting right there on the other side is Chris, the guy she met at the club. The guy who haunts her dreams at night. She's so embarrassed, she still thinks the had sex that night. She thinks to herself why the fuck is he here. Who the hell is this guy, he isn't taking he eyes off her. She looks away and can't look at him.

Megan begins talking, mentioning how they need her help to fix Chris's career. Mia sits shocked wondering just exactly who is this guy. That's when Megan and the man Nick who was introduced at Chris's manager starts asking her questions "you don't know who this guy is in the world. Who follow him on social media."

Mia rolls her eyes in annoyance, she explains her best friend set up her accounts and picked who she follows. Honestly Mia thinks to herself she doesn't have time for social media, she's to busy supporting her child and herself. It was Maggie's idea for Mia to get instagram and twitter. She even set up some dating site too. Maggie said what maybe you can talk to some nice guys. Mia honest hadn't even looked at any of the apps.

Chris Evans: Fine PrintTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang