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Authors note: hope you like new part. It begins with Chris side of things just before Mia collapses. Hope to have next part up in a few days, the next part with have a little time jump for sure.

Chris was sitting with producers and the director waiting for Mia to show up for the meeting. He had no idea how she would react to him being there, he was giving her space like Maggie advised him. It was killing him he just wanted to run to her tell her how sorry he was and that he spend the rest of his life making it up to her. He been keeping tabs on Mia through Maggie. She told him how she was not herself and shutting everyone out, she was broken and exhausted. Chris was worrying about her and depressed with her and Gracie. They were the family he always wanted.

After about 30 minutes of Chris and everyone waiting his phone started ringing.

"Maggie is she on her way. She's late."

"Chris, she's not coming. You need to hurry and get here."

"Where. Maggie what happened?"

"Mia collapsed, she been rushed to hospital."

"Fuck, I'm not my way now."

Chris hung up the phone and let the others in meeting know what happened with Mia. They completely understood the situation and said when she was better they can re visit the meeting. Mia's manager said he would let studio know the script was done and everyone was happy. Just that she had some personal come up. Chris's mind was a blur and he only heard what they said so much. All he could think about was her, josh is pa and friend was with him.

"Chris give me the key you can't drive this worried."

Chris through him the key and they got in the car and sped off.

"Fuck Gracie, I need to get her picked up. What if Mia is unconscious and something horrible has happened."

"Chris let's call Scott and your mom since she came back to LA with you. I'm sure they would love to watch Gracie and they won't worry her about her mom."

"Ya ya shit your right josh."

Chris started to call his mom.

"Hi Chris, everything go ok with the meeting?"

"Mom something happen to Mia. I don't know what happened but I'm heading to hospital now. I found out Mia never took me off a emergency contact for Gracie at her pre school. If I give you the directions can you...."

"On it now, just give me the directions I'll text Scott to meet me there, I know they little girl loves him and you."

"Thanks mom can you not mention to her...."

"Christopher, that's the last thing I would do. You don't even have to ask me. Homey I'm sure Mia is just exhausted and upset about what happened. That can take toll on your body. She does so much daily."

"I know mom this is my fault, I just wish she'd talk to me."

"Honey she loves you more then you know. She's been talking with me a little don't be upset, I just her own mom they isn't the best person for her. I love her like she's my own kid."

"I'm not upset mom, I'm glad she's talking to you at least. Ya her mother hates me and is horrible to her. I swear I don't want that woman anywhere near her or the hospital at all."

"Oh don't worry about that I keep and eye on her mom and she's away in Bahamas in the sun with some younger men."

"Good she can fucking stay there."

"Chris, just focus on Mia right now, Gracie will be fine. Keep in the loop on what you hear love you son."

"Ok, love you mom thanks. I'm calling Gracie's school and letting them know."

Chris Evans: Fine PrintTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon