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Authors note: hope you like this new part. Just took me sometime to think about this one. This part is a little longer. Wanted to get it together a certain way hope you like it.!

That night when Chris got back to his house something seemed off with him. He just came into the house didn't say much. Mia was working on her Chris carried Gracie into the spare room so she could sleep. When he picked her up from his moms, she had told him she gave her dinner. Chris let's Mia know he's taking a shower, but downs task her to join him. Mia wonders what that was all about but goes back to her work. After about an hour Mia goes looking for Chris to find him lying in bed on his phone.

"Ah hey, Chris is everything ok?"

"Hey Mia. Sorry just busy day with meetings and calls with my agent and team."

"Oh ok, you just seem weird today. It's ok, did Gracie have good time with your mom?"

"Ya mom said she was great. Your not upset I dropped her there before you've met my mom?"

"No Chris, I get you had things come up. Plus Gracie getting more affection from another person. That's all I want for her is to feel loved."

"Oh she's definitely loved by my mom. She asked me if Gracie can spend the night tomorrow night. Since my niece and nephews are having sleepover tomorrow night."

"Wait really, your mom is going watch all her grandkids and wants Gracie too?"

"Mia my mon loves kids, plus she loves being a grandma. She spoils those kids and just we are a really close family."

"Ya I mean you mom is amazing I've always liked her. I mean to say she sounds amazing and she raised you and I like you a lot."

"So you like me a lot huh? I like being with you too. Sorry babe if I'm acting weird just a weird day. Maybe we need to get some sleep. Big day tomorrow."

"Um ya sure. I can't wait to see your mom."

"Oh my sisters and Scott will be there. It's big family BBQ I hope your not nervous."

"Nah, your family is normal and not the nightmare. I mean. Just my family is crazy that's all."

"Hey don't worry, my family will love you."

Chris kisses her forehead as Mia puts her head on his chest and he rubs her bacon and arm. They eventually fall asleep in silence. Whatever is going on with Chris, Mia just chokes is up to him stressing about his upcoming movie. Which she still hasn't told him it her script she writing. She has so much to tell him but as she falls asleep. Her mind can't stop overthinking this is the first night since someone broke into her house, that Chris hasn't kissed or just nothing. She wonder maybe it was too much to fast for him. Anyways she tell him Sunday night when I fly back to LA that the cops called and said it was just random break in. That she is safe to go home, she thought maybe he just needs so space.

Around 1am Mia still can't shut her mind off to sleep. She gets up and walks to the living room and kitchen. She gets a water and decides to call Maggie.

"Hey girl, please tell me you didn't just finish getting as you out thoroughly fucked by Chris only to call me."

"Mags geez no. You remember too much of what I say. It's just something wrong."

"What's up. I'm sure it's not as bad as you think."

"Well Chris came home late around 8pm. He said he had meetings, he ended dropping Gracie with his mom for the day. Just he was acting weird."

"How do you mean?"

"Like he came inside, he put Gracie to bed after I gave her a kiss. She was fast asleep, it's just he don't even kiss me. Nothing that's the first time since we started sleeping together. The man is sex god believe he can go at a moments notice. Today though is was like he wanted nothing to do with me."

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