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Author's Note: Hope you enjoy this new Chris part, thing will go on from this point. The next part will be a lot longer. Just hoping everyone is liking the story so far. This part is the main idea I had for this book. It will grow from this idea and it's going to be bumpy for sure

Chris walks into his hidden hills home around lunch time. He called his driver to come pick him up at the hotel. He unlocks his front door and walks inside with Scott and Josh standing with their arms crossed looking at him. 


"What you said and we quote, "I'm not going to do anything stupid." so did you do anything stupid."

"Scott what are you asking?"

"Chris, you left with that girls tongue latched in your mouth basically."

"Ok fine we kissed a lot in the car until she passed out."

"What happened, you didn't come back here instead. Chris really what did you do."

"Fuck Josh, nothing I asked the driver to take us to the four seasons and I put her to bed to sleep it off."

"Ok we are sorry Chris, we just are worried about you. We are only trying to help you."

"Sorry I'm snapping at you. I'm just confused about today."

"Why what happened when she woke up, did she freak out at you. Did she get shocked she was in Chris Evans room?"

"I don't know."

"Wait you don't know she didn't say anything at all?"

"no I went to get a shower and was going to talk to her over breakfast about the future. When I came out of the shower she was gone."

"She was gone. She didn't even say goodbye. Chris what if she thinks things happened that didn't." 

"I know Josh, I know I'm going to clean up my ass and attitude. I need to go back to the club to fine Mia so I can talk to her."

"Josh, did you hear what he said. Chris what do you mean talk to her about the future? You like here."

"I didn't say I like her Scott. I just wanted to talk to her. But she left how the hell can I find her other than going to the club."

"You want to find her, oh you like her bro. I know you well."

"Scott don't start, I just want to talk to her. I want her to know we didn't have sex. I would never do that to anyone in that state."

"Chris we know you wouldn't do that. Also this Mia girl if she is your fans she knows nothing happened. I'm sure she knows who you are."

"That's the thing, I don't think she has any idea who I am. I told her my name was Chris and she never freaked out or anything."

"Ok well if we are honest Chris, what are the chances of you finding her again. She could be at any club. The only thing you know is her name is Mia and you like her."

"Fine ok, I'm attracted to her. There is just something about her. I can't get her out of my head. But ya I have no idea how to find her."

"Ok well for now Chris you need to focus on your career. We have got that meeting monday with the team."

"I know Josh your coming. Scott can we just go grab something to eat and take Dodger for a hike. You guys are right I need to get myself back."

Chris, Scott and Josh head out to grab some lunch at the drive thru. They drive to one of the hiking trails. They are gone for hours. By the time night falls Josh and Scott have gone home. Chris wonders is there anyway Mia is on social media or following him. He opens his instagram goes to his followers. He rolls his eyes at the 18 million plus followers cause this would take him forever. That's only if she follows him or has social media. He eventually puts his phone down after 30 minutes and not accounts with her. He turns on the tv and falls asleep with Dodger spread across the bed.

Monday morning Chris is up dressed and ready sitting at his kitchen island drinking some tea and eating some toast. He's waiting for Josh to show up so they can drive to his managements office for this important meeting. He was told they have come up with a plan to fix his career and how a lot of his fans feel about him. After last year there was a lot of negativity towards him, to the point fans boycotted his films. Josh shows up and they hop in Chris's tesla and drive to the CAA office. 

Once they park and head into the office, Chris says hello to Trish the receptionist who is basically drooling at the site of Chris. She walks him into the boardroom they have there to talk. Megan is already there waiting for Chris and everyone else.

"Hey Chris, please whatever we tell you just try to have and open mind about this, we just want to help you. Nick and Alexandra will be here soon."

"Megan, what exactly are you all thinking? It's not something stupid or insane."

"No Chris just a different approach to pr for you this time around."

Just than Nick Chris's manager comes in wearing a black suit. Alexandra his agent is also in the meeting. Chris can feel his anxiety creeping up. He thinks last time he had call or meeting like this is was the best news that pixar wanted to work with him. This time though is strategy meeting to get him more work and save his career.

Nick looks at Chris.

"Nice to see you, I heard you apparently are going to be cutting out the daily club nights and getting drunk."

"Ya Nick it's time. I got clean up my act. Just what have you guys come up with."

"Ok well there is three parts to this plan Chris"

"Alright then Nick what is this plan."

"Ok well stage one is my idea and my condition which even your mother agrees needs to happen. You need to go to weekly therapy."

"Ok Nick, I got no problem with that idea. Set it up."

"The next thing is we have audition for you for an rom-com film. The pay for you wouldn't be much but we want you to take it."

"Ok I'm fine with that, as long as we can get a good director. Can you make that happen Alexandra?"

"Ya I can work on that Chris. I'll see what I can do."

"Ok Megan, I guess the pr idea is yours. So how bad is it."

"Chris, I need you to keep an open mind about this idea."

"Alright that makes me curious. What are you thinking Megan?"

"Alright, so we want you to date someone, they will be under contract and paid. Their just going to be seen out with you sometimes eating. Also at red carpets and award shows coming up soon."

"Ok so who is the actress your signing to do this fake relationship."

"That's the thing, we don't want you to do this an actress. We think since the backlash from you fans it would be better a fan."

"What a fan, how do you know they won't be some crazy obsessed person."

"Chris we would do a background check on the persons that we will let you pick from."

"Let me pick from, Megan I'm really confused right now."

"We have been looking at your social media, we found half dozen girls that we are currently doing background check on them. Once we have the information we can let you decided who you want to meet with for a meeting."

"You guys really think this is going to work out?"

"yes all think this will work. Chris you need to make yourself look not like a player phat boy again."

"Ok fine. Let me know when a meeting is step up. I want to meet with all of them first. I'm heading home now."

Chris and Josh leave to drive back to his house. On the drive Josh had asked Chris if he was ok with everything. He said the last condition bothers him because he can't stop thinking about Mia. He told Josh don't bother trying to find her on social media. He needs to just forget about her. 

Chris Evans: Fine PrintWhere stories live. Discover now