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Authors note: New part hope you like this one. It had 3 month time jump.

It's been 3 months since Mia left California. Her boss made it easy her to work remotely from her new home. She let her manager for writing know she's been sick and after the scar that put in the hospital months ago, the studio executives everyone was understanding. She told just let the director and everyone involved in the movie decide who to cast in the roles. No one knew still other then Maggie that one Mia was not almost 5 months pregnant, but also where she has gone. Her dads place want anything grand it was just a simple home in Milton Massachusetts. He told her is was his mothers home at one point, it used to be part of a farm a long time ago. He said whatever Mia needed she could have, she could update the paint anything. The house had three bedrooms so she had been getting the off thing for the baby here, to put in the nursery, Mia loved it out east and didn't want to ever go back to California again. Maggie would visit her, although she'd made a couple friends at Gracie's new school here. The only thing bothering her was Chris. She couldn't get him out of her mind how much she missed him and he was always on her thoughts. When she first got to Massachusetts she decided to give herself a few weeks then she was going to reach out to Chris. But then she start to think about if he had back reaction to her news she needed to give him. The weeks went on and it was becoming hard to reach out to him.

Mia still talked to Lisa, she felt bad not telling her she was actually so close to her. Mia would ask how Chris was, to which Lisa would say he's doing ok, just misses you. Then those Mia saw tweet about how Chris had recently gotten back to get with his ex actress girlfriend. That was it if Chris had moved on and was happy she wasn't going to mess that up for him. Mia was excited though Maggie was visiting this weekend.

"Wow you really have done a lot with the place."

"Ya Maggie, I wanted to make it more like home. I decided to sell my home in LA."

"Wait what your not coming back?"

"Maggie, it's just too hard, plus there's nothing there for me anymore. My mom is busy in a relationship now and hardly calls me which is a blessing in away."

"Ok but what about Chris, I mean look at you. Your showing a bit more now and it is his kid."

"Ya I know but he's back with his ex now. I just want him happy and loved."

"Mia, don't believe everything you read online. I have to tell you something."

"Ok what is it?"

"He still calls and asks me, if your ok. He begs me to tell you where you are in the world. Look I love you like a sister but, you have to tell him once and for all. If you don't I will. Mia Chris is totally in love with you."

"If he was he wouldn't be with his ex."

"Omg Mia, they are starring in a movie together. That's all."

"Oh, really."

"Ya, and people just come up with rumours and gossip. Don't believe it. Look I can show his texts to me even."

"No it's ok. I understand what your saying. I'm just nervous cause it's been 3 months and he might react badly."

"Mia it doesn't matter how he reacts, whether he's over the moon happy kisses you when you tell him or he yells at you from keeping this from him. He has a right to know."

"Ok agreed, can we just go out and do something's now. I've got a few hours before Gracie is out of school."

"Sure what's the plan?"

"I thought maybe some shopping, and site seeing. It's up to you. Just I get this strange feeling sometimes."

"What feeling?"

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