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Author's note: this part is a account of things from Chris's side. It's little shorter then other parts Hope you like it. Sorry it took longer then I hoped.

Chris stayed in Boston for a couple days after Mia walked out. He's been going over things since he met her in the club that first night. He remembered the meeting when Mia turned down the offer to be his fake girlfriend. How she didn't know who he was, now he finally understands how Mia felt in that moment. How could he not remember her, even worse how could he fall for some fan lying to him.

The day Mia left half his heart left with him. Hearing his mom tells him Mia the girl he was looking for was with him all along. He wanted to talk to her right away. But he listened to Maggie's words and his moms. The first couple days he kept looking at her social media and there was nothing. She went silent, almost like she vanished. Just what Maggie said she would do. On the third day he wanted to hear Mia's voice, but thought texting would be better.

Mia, I fucked up badly. I'm so sorry. I hope you will talk to me one day. Until that day I'm waiting for you.

His text went unseen and responded to. Maggie however she wasn't to quiet. Chris I know your hurting just as much as Mia. Just give her sometime. I saw your text she won't look at it. I'm with her right now, just know she's safe.

Maggie, how is she?

She's I don't Chris. When her ex left yes she was hurt. But this I've never seen her like this, she's hardly talking to me as well. She's shutting everyone out. What worse her mother isn't helping.

Her mother what do you mean?

Chris, I'm not sure if you know, she doesn't talk about her relationship with her mom. Her mom berates her every chance she gets. Mia is never good enough with anything in her moms eyes.

I know my mom remembered Mia's mom. She told me her mom likes to blame Mia for everything in life that's gone wrong.

Ya that is true. Her mom blames Mia for her ex cheating and hurting her.

What do you mean hurting Mia? I swear if he touched her. I

Chris, Mia's story isn't for me to tell. I know you love her. I saw it when you looked at her. Just give her sometime. I'm giving her time to start opening up to me. Honestly you fucked up but I still think you made her more happy than I've ever seen her. I'm rooting for you.

Thanks Maggie. If I do get to talk to her, I'm getting her back and never letting her go ever again. Mia and Gracie I want them back forever.

Ok Chris well that's the right thinking, just my advice give her sometime. I'll do what I can on my side.

Ok Maggie, I'm heading back to LA on the weekend. I can always go to hotel and give her space.

Oh um Chris she moved back to her house the day we came back.

She moved out, but it's not safe someone broke into her home.

Chris the police said it was random breaking in. No threat of danger or it happening again.

What police officer told her that?

No idea she told me she got a call the day before you left for Boston. Chris they are both safe don't worry.

Alright, just can you give me updates?

Yes I have to go Chris, helping her get ready mentally for a few days at her moms.

Great I'm sure that woman won't help. When I get her back her mom is in for reality check. Bye Maggie thanks for the advice, I just hope your right.

Chris Evans: Fine PrintOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora