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Authors note: I hope you like this new part. Threw in some ideas that might keep everyone guessing as to what's to come.

Mia was sleeping in the hospital room when she woke up opening her eyes slowly. She was looking around the room, things seems foggy, she could make out someone sitting in chair next to her bed. The guy was sleeping with his head on the bed next to her. She wondered what time day it was, panic set in right away, wondering where was Gracie. She couldn't move much her head was hurting and bandaged a little. She focused on the guy resting his head next to her, his hand was across her stomach. She could smell his cologne and her skin tinged, her breath got fast as she knew it was Chris. She took her hand and a giant what she was fighting inside of her she ran her fingers threw his hair. She missed him and wished things could be different, but as much as she loved his concern for her. She wasn't going back to being someone's second choice ever again. Chris started to slowly wake up.

"Baby your awake, I'll go get your doctor."

"Wait Chris Gracie... I..I."

"Shhh, Mia, she's fine Scott and my mom have been watching her. She fine."

"Chris, what happened, why are you here?"

"Mia, I'm so sorry for what happened in Boston but we can talk about this later. I'm here cause I'm completely in love with you. When I was at that studio meeting you didn't show Maggie texted me you collapsed. I couldn't lose you."

"Chris, please I can't it hurts."

"Mia I will spend a lifetime making it up to you. Just rest and we need to get better you've been sleeping for a long time."

"What, Chris what happened to me?"

"Mia, somehow you got carbon monoxide poisoning. They said you've been exposed to it for while. There was gas leak in your house."

"Gracie omg my baby."

"Mia shhh she's fine baby. Just take it easy you've been in here for 30 hours now."

"Omg Chris, how, what happened? I need to get out of here and to Gracie."

"Mia you need to rest and try to breath before you start hyperventilating, look let me get the doctor to check you out first."

"Chris... thank you for being here your a good friend."

"Ya always here for you. I'll get Maggie she's outside waiting to see you too."

Chris said with a little disappointment in his face. He loves Mia and knows he fucked up badly. Just hearing her call him a friend hurt him. Although he knows what he did hurt her a lot more, he knows it will take time but he's going to fight for her. He goes and tells Maggie Mia is awake, then heads to find her doctor.

Maggie walks into the room and hugs Mia, who has tears in her eyes.

"Mia, fuck don't ever scare me like that ever again. Your ok you don't need to cry."

"Maggie you told Chris?"

"Ya Mia, he loves you. He knows he hurt you and it's going to take time. Do you remember anything that happened?"

"Um ya, I was going to leave work to head to the studio meeting about the script. I still don't understand I hadn't finished it yet."

"Ya Mia about that, Chris finished the script for you. You really need to read it."

"What he finished it?"

"He said you would talk to him about the ideas you had and you kind brain stormed it together, when you were staying at his home. Anyways Chris was at the meeting, he wanted to read for the part of Jake."

Chris Evans: Fine PrintWhere stories live. Discover now