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Authors note: came up with idea for this story while writing new part. Next chapter will have a week time jump and that idea will come out in there part. Hope you enjoy this one.

Mia gets in her office to start work, she got her latte and snack. She keeps thinking something is off at work. She logins into her email. She find one from Jack informing her he's going to be late into the office today. He has lost of tasks for her to get done. He requests her to order some flowers to be sent to a certain address, she takes double take. She looks at the office address again and it hits her that Maggie's work address.

Mia texts Maggie right away.

Maggie what the hell. My boss is making send flowers to your office.

Mia stares at her phone waiting for a response. After 5 minutes of nothing she texts Maggie one more time.

Mags lunch today? We need to talk.

After about 30 minutes Mia's phone goes off.

Ok Wendy's lunch time. I'll explain and you explain to me as well.

Ok Mags see you then. We have lots of tell each other.

Mia gets back to work, she still can't believe what's been happening with her. She can stop picturing this morning in bed with Chris. She keeps daydreaming about their activities. She feels sore but worth it.

Her phone starts ringing just as Jack is what into the office. She lets the call go to her voicemail but she knows it's from Chris.

"Mia can you follow me into my office?"

"Ya sure Jack everything ok?"

"Just making sure you got everything ready for Boston, also can you book an extra ticket for someone that's joining me."

"Um sure, I need their name and information."

"Um well this might be awkward for you Mia, but it's for your friend Maggie."

"Ah sure, Jack your good guy. Just as long as she's happy that makes me happy."

"Um ya, I just want to keep our relationship professional. Maggie is a great girl too. So I will say thank you for tell her to just dm me."

"Oh sorry she told you that, I'm sorry for overstepping Jack."

"Mia it's ok. Really like I said she's great. Just I understand your staying with Mr. Evans while we are in Boston. Just make sure you won't be later for meetings."

"I won't be later Jack, I made up a schedule of our meetings and email the calendar to you. I have a car service set up for you as well."

"Ok great. Did you send out the flowers I asked you to send."

"Yes I did and I left the number of the florist so you can give them the message you want on the card. Jack next time though can you..."

"Ya Mia I'll take care of things like this moving forward. I just didn't know a good florist for this time."

"Ok totally understand Jack. Anything else you need me to do?"

"Just make sure all the papers are sorted out for Boston please."

"Ok I'll get back to my desk and work on it."

Mid is busy working and gets a text from Chris.

Hey beautiful, I know your busy at work, just missing you. Can you join me for lunch?

Chris, sorry I plan to meet my friend Maggie. I'll definitely make it up to you later tonight. How about I pick up something nice for dinner. Maybe I can get Maggie to watch Gracie tonight.

Chris Evans: Fine PrintWhere stories live. Discover now