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Authors note:sorry it's been awhile but thanks for all the reads. Can't believe it I'm at 14k thank you so much. This newest part warning there is smut. Hope you like the part. Just been busy with work and new story I have coming that will be football fiction. Look out for that one called look what you made me do. Also no had nothing to do with TS just like that title name

As Chris and Mia are getting a ride to the private airport. Mia can't help but wonder where they are going and why. She has spent most of the day asking Chris for hints, but he's giving nothing away.

"Baby, I'll make you so good again. Just give me one hint. Please Chris."

"Ok, ok, all I'm saying is you'll love it."

"Seriously Chris what kind of hint is that?"

"Beautiful, you need to be patient, that's why it's surprise."

As the car pulls into the private airfield. Mia spots a small private jet. The car stops and parks beside the jet.

"You own a jet?"

Chris laughs.

"No, it's not mine I just chattered this one for the weekend. It has a bed inside of it."

"Oh that sounds nice. I need to nap."

"Oh baby, the last thing you'll be doing in that bed is napping."

"Pretty sure of yourself Mr.Evans."

"Fuck, do you know what that does to me when you call me that baby."

"What I didn't do anything Mr. Evans. If it bothers you I could call you sir."

"Let's go baby. I need to get you on the plane. I can't wait till we are in the air."

As they get out of the car, Chris takes Mia's hand and walks her up the stairs onto the jet. The entire thing is all cream coloured inside. The seats are cream leather. They go to sit down as Mia notices a sore at the back of the jet.

"So what's behind door number 1?"

"You induction into the mile high club. But first sit baby."

"Chris so demanding today."

"I just want to give you everything you deserve baby."

"Chris you've already giving me everything I could ever want."

Just then the flight attendant comes up. She blonde curvy and tall. She eyes Chris up and down. Giving Mia a glare.

"Excuse me Mr. Evans. We will be taking off soon for San Francisco. Did you want. Anything from me before the flight."

Chris looks annoyed as she just spoiled the surprise he had for Mia.

"Yes could you get my wife something to drink. I'll just take whatever she's having."

"Oh um yes. I'll be right back please take your seats."

Mia smirks at her and laughs at Chris.

"Your wife, little over confident Chris."

"No, it's just a fact you're having my baby. I love you and I plan on wifing you up one day. I would be already but you keep saying not till after the baby comes."

Chris Evans: Fine PrintWhere stories live. Discover now