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Author's note: Hope you like this new part. this is the last Mia part before I get to the main idea. I'm just giving more insight to the characters. 

By the time Mia got showered and dress, she was ready to go pick up her 3 year old Gracie. She loved her so much, she is Mia's whole world. Gracie, with her dark long hair and bright blue eyes, even Maggie will say she's mini Mia. The one thing Mia is dreading to go to her mother's Ceillia to pick up her daughter up. Mia looks in the mirror, her hair is tied up on a ponytail, she's  wearing a pair of black leggings, a guns and roses t-shirt and her converse. No makeup she rolls her eyes knowing how her mother will react when she sees her. Mia says a little pray to herself begging her mom won't rip her apart this time. She wishes he dad and stepmom could've watch Gracie last night but they were on vacation in Aspen. Mia walked to her car, it's a 2006 Audi A5, black and on it's last leg, but Mia refuses her dads help offering to buy her a new one. She rather do this on her own, she never asks anyone for a cent to help her. She take a deep breath turning on the engine waiting for battle with her mom, she blasts her radio playing Doja Cat's song woman. She pulls out of her driveway and heads to her moms.

Mia pulls up the long lane towards her mother's estate home. She won it in the divorce with Mia's father, honestly he didn't really care. When Mia was younger he was so busy with work at the production studios when he fell for his assistant. Ceillia was out for blood when she found out and Mia's dad ended up not being around most of her childhood. When Mia first went to collage she learned to forgive her dad. Her mom hates that's Mia is close to her dad. She finally gets out of the car, her mom's home has been renovated again. The 10000 square foot home has been re made to look black sleek and modern something Mia hates, she loved her childhood home till it didn't feel like home. She starts walking up to the huge black front door when he mother opens the door. 

"Mia what on earth are you wearing?" 

"Clothes mom there called clothes ok. Can we not do this my head is killing me."

"Well if you would not act like a teenager going out drinking and club with friends you wouldn't have that problem."

Mia walks inside Gracie comes jumping to her.

"Mommy, grandma bought me some new princess dolls."

"She did did she? Well why don't you go grab them and show me which ones you got.

Gracie runs up stairs to grab some more toys yet again."

"Mom we talked about this, you can't always buy her loads of toys. I want Gracie to appreciate what she has, not take it for granted."

"Mia, that girl has no father anymore. Why cause you didn't get with the program when you were younger. I love my granddaughter, but I told you to stop living in the clouds being in love with the neighbours kid all your life. Also someone has to be there for her your to busy out looking for another man."

"Mother, I have been out one night in over 3 years. What did I do that is so wrong in your eyes yet again. I went out with Maggie for a girls night. I never go out, so tell me what I am I doing that's so wrong."

"Don't  yell at me, cause you'd rather run around than be a parent to that little girl. Your dad left me and what did I do. Did I go out with any girls to a bar or clubbing to drink, and hook up with random men?"

"No mother, you didn't. Your right you took care of me everyday never asking anyone for anything."

"That's right Mia. I put your first always and you need to do that same for Gracie. You doing good by working on your schooling online that's for her future. Mia I love you but you shouldn't have even gone out last night. You need to be there 100 percent of the time for Gracie. She's already in daycare while your working a shitty job I might add."

"Ok mom, can we stop talking about this, your right I'm wrong as usual. I just want to get Gracie home, spend today with her before I go back to work for my douche boss."

"I don't know why you still took that assistant job for that man. Working at some marketing company. Mia you are talented in your writing you always were."

"Thanks mom, I'm working on a script for an idea I told my agent about. He thinks a studio will buy it, he told them the concept and they loved it."

"Well good, than you can move out of that place you and you ex husband thought was a home." 

Just than Gracie comes running down the hallway carrying a arm full of new disney princess dolls. 

"Look mommy." 

"Oh wow that's a lot of princesses maybe next weekend we should go see them at Disneyland for the day."

Gracie gets all excited not knowing how long a week will take. She runs and hugs Mia. Mia loves her daughter more than life itself. She knows to a point her mom is right, Mia doesn't have time for a relationship anytime soon if ever. Maybe her mom is right, even though she can stop thinking about that one kiss with the mystery guy from last night. Mia pushes his smile and eyes out of her head. She just hopes whatever did happen with him in the room he enjoyed cause it's never happening again with anyone. 

Mia takes Gracie and they leave her mom's home. She treats her to some Mcdonald's on the way home. If Mia's mother knew she criticize Mia lack of nutrition for Gracie. When they got home Mia watch frozen again for the millionth time with Gracie, than played outside at the park with her. By 8pm Gracie was exhausted and Mia carried her into her bedroom, they lied down and watch The little mermaid till Gracie fell asleep.

Mia ended grabbing her phone to call Maggie.

"Hey you how are you feeling now?"

"Maggie, I'm ok but panicking, what if I had sex with him."

"You still can't remember what happened. Do you at least remember his name."

"Ya I remember his name it's Chris. That's all I can't remember other than kissing him."

"You remember kissing him how was the kiss at least?"

"Omg the hottest kiss ever. I what if I had sex with him. I'm freaking out.

"Ok well do you feel really sore?"

"What do you mean sore?"

"Really Mia, does your body feel you know are pussy girl is sore as fuck."

"oh, um no I'm not sore at all."

"Well if you don't feel sore, than I don't think you had sex."

"You think so than. Ok fine but I don't think I'm going out for a girls night again. I need to put Gracie first and last night wasn't doing that."

"Mia, the first night out you have had in years. You had fun, let me guess mommy dearest had her own opinions of you again."

"Ya she had things to say. Just right now I got projects to do for my boss. I got get this script done soon too."

"Mia ok for now take the time you need. But don't do it cause of what your mother is saying about you. She's completely wrong. Your a good mom and dad to Gracie."

"Ok girl, thanks I'm going to head to sleep now. I'll meet you on lunch break tomorrow."

"Ok Mia same place love you."

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