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Authors note: hope you like this new part. It's going to be little short then other ones.

When Chris, and Mia drive up his mothers driveway. Mia gets a little nervous and starts breathing fast. Chris parks and Lois to the back seat Gracie has fallen asleep in her booster seat. Chris just smiles at how cute she is his daughter. He glances and notice Mia panicking.

"Hey, it's ok. Do you feel ok baby?"

"Chris what if, your mom thinks I planned."

"Mia stop, you know my mom and she's loved you since we were little kids. Want to know something."


"When I made that stupid mistake with you before, my mom at one pint I sweat called me a dumbass."

"Really your mom called you that?"

"Ya Mia, she said I was stupid for screwing up with you. Her and Scott they both told me it was you all along."

"I love your mom Chris. She has always been more of a mom to me then my own mother. I just can we hold off at first before giving her the news."

"You don't want to tell her today. When your ready we can."

"Ok, I still want to tell Lisa today. I just want to chat with her first."

"Baby whatever you want. I just don't want to stress, it's not healthy for your or peanut."

Mia looks at him puzzled.

"Mia I've been reading that book ever since I saw you in the park. I went to the store and bought it."

"Chris you did not? The what to expect."

"Mia, you Gracie and peanut mean everything to me. So yes I want to know everything your going through right now. I want to support and help you."

"I love you Chris."

"I love you more baby."

They exit the car, Chris gets Gracie out of her seat. She sleepy and he carried her in his arms into his moms home.

"Chris honey, Mia come give me a hug. I've missed you sweetheart."

"Ah thanks Lisa. I've missed you a lot too."

"Baby, mom I'm just going to put this little princess in a bed to sleep more. She definitely tired."

"Ok Chris. Ya Maggie had a long night with her."

Chris carry's Gracie fast asleep upstairs to his old childhood bedroom.

He kisses her in the forehead. Knowing when she wakes up she's going to be a huge ball of energy. He doesn't mind he hoping Carly will come by later with his nieces and nephews. He will play a hug game of hide and seek with them all. He sits there for a few minutes thinking about his future and his family, so he can let his mom and Mia talk privately.

Downstairs Lisa and Mia are chatting.

"Mia so your back with Chris I see, I'm happy for you both. I know how much you love each other."

"Ya we ran into each other at the park downtown. I didn't even know he was in the Boston area."

"Ya he stayed here after you left, but then we headed to California for a little bit. I had to come back home after a week there, with the Childrens theatre."

"So he stayed by himself? I'm sure he was fine."

"Actually he spent a lot of time with Scott after I left. Mia he was lost without you. I've never seen him so broken. It reminded me of when you were a kid and came here Chris found you, then when you had to leave."

Mia thinks back to that time, she happy now and know Chris and her have a long road to heal their relationship. Just the thought of that summer has tears in her eyes.

"Mia sweetie don't cry, you both are together now."

"Ya sorry Lisa, it's just I was so happy then and other then Gracie I haven't been that happy since. I mean I was with Chris, but I'm scared. What if I'm not enough for him?"

"Mia, I have never seen Chris look at you like that with any of his exes. He's completely in love with you. I know my son and yes is fucked up for sure. He won't ever do that to you and your family again."

"Family, Chris I mean yes there is Gracie but we aren't in any rush."

Lisa eyes Mia and laughs.

"Mia you can't hide it from me, your glowing and there that tiny pump."

"How I, you know?"

"Oh sweetie yes, does Chris know? He will be over the moon."

"Ya he saw me and figured it out. He told me last night between Tara and Carly he knows. He so happy but there's more we just we wanted to tell you together."

"Ok well how about we keep that I know between us. You and Chris can tell me together when your both ready."

"Thanks Lisa."

They hug, eventually Chris comes downstairs. Mia and lisa are just sitting on the couch taking laughing together. Lisa informs them Carly and her husband will be coming for dinner. Chris tells them he's going to play with all the kids. He whispers in Mia ear, that he needs the practise for all the kids they will have together. Gracie eventually comes running downstairs screaming happy when she figured their are at Lisa's home. She jumps right to Lisa and give her hug and kiss

"Grandma, I missed you."

Lisa looks curiously at Chris and Mia.

"Oh Gracie you've gotten so big in the past couple months. I've missed you too."


She points to Chris.

"Ok you two need to spill this news?

"Mom, Mia and I talk with Gracie. I'm going to adopt her."

"Oh Chris, give me a hug. I'm so happy for you. I have another grandchild, this beautiful princess."

"Mom theirs more, Mia you want to tell her."

"Chris you should say it."

"Mom Mia and I we are having a baby. She's almost 4 months pregnant."

"Omg Mia Chris this is best news. Your going to have your hands full for sure."

"Lisa, we bought you this shirt."

Mia hands her a t shirt that ready worlds best grandma. Lisa hugs her so much and Mia their all so excited and happy. Mia thinks she's going to have to tell her own mother eventually she hasn't even spoken to her in months. Her mom doesn't even seem to care which upset her. Mia wishes her mom was as loving at Lisa. Eventually Carly and her family comes over and the kids go off and play. Chris and Mia share their news with his sister and husband. Carly can't wait and jokes it will be fun to see Chris doing late night feeding and diaper changing. Carly even offers to help with some old baby clothes if needs and anything Mia needs. Chris has to head to LA in two weeks for filming a new movie with his ex and Mia is anxious about it. Chris and her decided to dine out from her doctor first if she's ok to travel. They agree they will figure the rest out once their get the ok from her. Chris kissed her and goes off with the kid and his brother in law to play hide and seek. Mia is happy and so in love with him, but she's got this nagging feeling something bad is coming.

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