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Authors Note: sorry it's been a while here is new part. This give some answers to the past in this part. Hope you enjoy this read kore parts coming soon.

Chris has been outside his moms yard watch Gracie run after his niece Stella. Gracie can get enough of the older girl. Stella has been great with her she loves having another girl to play with not just her older brothers. Scott comes outside a little to talk.

"Hey so how come is seems your avoiding Mia. You said your falling for her."

"Scott I'm so confused right now. I have strong feelings for Mia I really do. She's so much to me, but my heart it's just..."

"Chris this hold Miranda thing has to you confused. Like what are the chances even if you."

"I found her. I saw her."

"What you found her, you saw her. Did she look familiar to you?"

"No that's the weird thing, but she has white blonde hair now. She still has those blue eyes although something seemed off about her. It's been 30 plus years so that's probably all it was at first. Then things.."

"Chris what did you do?"

"Nothing ok, nothing happened it was innocent. We just we went to meet for coffee and talk about that summer. Look she was my first real love so I needed to see her. To see if it was just old memories I blocked away, or if it was something more."

"Ok and did you feel anything for her. What if she's married with kids or something?"

"She's not she divorced. She said she never really loved him. Look the day before she left we kissed. Than she was gone. Scott I'm just I don't it's is possible to love two woman."

"Chris, doesn't it seem stranger to you though. You didn't feel that instant connection with her. I'm only saying maybe it's just the feelings you had as a kid messing with you."

"Maybe I don't know, it's just I need to see this through with her. If not for myself but for Mia."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean how am I supposed to have future with Mia and a family with her one day, if half my heart with Miranda?"

"Shit Chris I don't know."

"Uncle Chris!"

"Stella what's wrong everything ok?"

"It's fine, just Gracie fell in the mud puddle and she's all dirty."

"Oh Gracie it's ok. You want we can get you cleaned up."

"Oh Mia, I didn't see you behind me."

"It's ok Chris, your mom told me to come get Scott anyways. She needs you help in the kitchen."

"Shit ok, Chris just we can talk later."

Mia walks up to Chris, she takes Gracie's hand. She give him a little peck kiss on the cheek. She knows something is off with him. She deciders to give him his space so best thing for her is to put up her walls and get some distance from him as well. Chris watches as Mia and Gracie head back inside the house.

"Uncle Chris, I have to tell you something."

"Stella, sorry didn't see you there you trying to scare me."

Stella starts giggling at Chris.

"Ok munchkin out with it."

"I love Gracie and Mia. You have to marry her."

"Wow Stella, marry. Um I ah I don't know. Maybe one day."

"Oh your nervous you love her don't you."

"Stella why don't you go hide with your brothers and I'll find you guys."

Chris Evans: Fine PrintWhere stories live. Discover now