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Author's note: This part has tiny bit of smut, nothing major just yet. Hope you like this new part and this is just back story. Also I don't actually want to see Chris hurting or his career going bad ever. This was just how I'm playing that actual idea for the story i have in mind. 

"Chris let's go, you got too stop this shit"

"Josh I'm heading to the club, you want to come fine. If not I'll go alone."

"Chris, everyone is worried about, ever since your relationship ended you on down spiral. You need to get your shit cleaned up before you lose another role."

"Fuck you sound like Megan and everyone else. What am I supposed to do, that fucking nightmare made me look stupid when everyone caught her cheated."

"Chris no one thought you were and idiot or stupid. This shit happens she fooled everyone that's not your fault. That doesn't mean you start acting out on set drinking and going home with random girls every weekend."

"Josh I'm fine ok. Look my last few movies didn't hit, and I have control over what I am doing."

"Really buddy you have it together, you lost the last three roles you were casted for cause you showed up to table reads hungover. Chris you don't have your shit together."

"Fuck this fine, give me tonight. I'll get more control on this starting tomorrow. Deal."

"Fine, deal, I'm holding you to this and texting your mom about this so you can't back out."

"Ok do what you have to tomorrow, now let's head to the club." 

Josh and Chris get in the car outside Chris's LA home. The driver asks them which club they want to which Chris says anything good on sunset. They pull up to the car, Chris is just in a pair of jeans with a t-shirt on, his sunglasses and nasa baseball hat. The bouncer walks them in through the vip entrance around the back. Chris and Josh grab a table near the back of the club to be hidden away better. Scott, Steven and a couple other guys show up to the club.

Scott sits next to his brother. He looks him in the eye while Chris is drinking a corona beer.

"Josh told me tonight is your final party night out. Chris you I love you we all do. You just haven't been the same for a long time. You got to face what the real issue you have is that's going on inside of you."

"I know ok. I just how do I admit that I'll never have the things I want in my life. Every girl, it never works, there's always some reason. I feel cursed when it comes to relationships. You can't admit this to anyone."

"Chris, you just need to take a step back and think about things. Right now just your sinking yourself you know that right."

"Ya I know that, look I'm cooling it after tonight. I have meeting Monday with my team. They have plan for my career, to fix my reputation."

"Ok well it's Friday take the time tonight for one last fun night. Than I'm coming over this weekend and we are getting you cleaned up and sober."

"Alright, come by around 11 tomorrow morning. Now let me have my next beer."

The guys sit and chat, Chris notices a brunette walk up with her friend to the bar. She about 5 '6 curvy hourglass shape. He can't help but look her up and down. He hair is flowing down to her waist. She wearing a tight black dress that hugs her body. From the back he can't take his eyes off her round ass. Instantly he think about how good it would feel to be inside of her. When she turns with her friend, she doesn't look impressed to be at the club. She got perfect lips, looks life from here she has those doe eyes he can't help but stare at her. She saying something to her short blonde friend, who would be more his type. The friend is petite short, she got that blonde Sandra bullock kind of look going for her, but she does nothing for him. He finds it weird, he can't get his thoughts off the curvy round ass and large chest of the brunette, she's making his mind go into overdrive, which is making is pants feel tight. He watches her go to a table closer to them, she talking with her friend. This mystery girl looks bored, sad even. He wonders who could've made this beautiful creature so sad. Eventually she downs one shot, than another, she keeps drinking them down hole. He watches as she heads on the dance floor, she definitely drunk and laughing with her friend.

Chris Evans: Fine PrintWhere stories live. Discover now