You can't fix them

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I have been wanting to understand what goes through other people's minds. Is it just like mines? Or is it different in ways i never thought of? I only know the problems i have and what i go through.
And i had to learn the hard way that nobody is ever going to understand. But try telling that to someone else. Of course they are not gonna listen. Of course i'll be looked at as foolish because this is never really said. I want you to know that i tried to bring out the best of myself only because I'm around you. And I didn't want you to think i had nothing to offer. But i have already gave you so much emotionally. And it got thrown away. And this is why i don't try to fix what's broken anymore.
And one day you will understand that i was just trying to help. But i just need to keep doing for myself. Because look at what doing for others has gotten me.

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