Self Image

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Do you see me how i see myself?
Why do i judge my own actions more than anyone else? Im scared to be hurt but sometimes i hurt myself. My own thoughts are the weapons that are used against me. There are no ways to even see around it. I get scared to do things that i have already done in my head. Things that i have already lived through inside my mind. The damage is already done so there's no trying to prevent it. I hate when you lie but i say i don't care. And the choices i made are based off how you made me feel. Everyday i wake up and wonder why i see another day. What am i going to say? The mistakes that i made, i always make over and over again. You would think that I have learned my lesson but I don't know what life is teaching me. I don't know what god is trying to show me. I don't even know if i deserve to listen.
Self image is powerful enough to make you go crazy. Self judgment is painful because it comes from yourself. They told me to know my self worth. But i don't even think i know myself.

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