I Wish (Part 2 )

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I wish we could always be free to be ourselves. Without the fake hating someone just because that's what gets us views or attention. We are all fucked up and its only going to get worse from here. I wish we cherished the ones that actually show interest in getting to know us instead of blocking them out just because we don't want to be viewed as sympathetic. The truth is that we are all just aliens but society has cropped everything out to where nothing can be different. Everything has to be the same. And the person that really chooses to be a alien WILL get alienated. I wish real love still existed. I realize the more older i get, the more i should cherish my parents because they are not going to be here forever. And one day i will actually listen to the life stories my mother has to tell me instead of thinking it was just her being over dramatic. I wish i could see the bigger picture instead of seeing the picture i want painted. Instead of seeing the picture everyone else paints of me. Only god can judge me and even him was not perfect. But the way life is, i wish there was a better place for me. I hope there is a better place for me.

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