Hidden pain

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I have been looking at age as more of a burden than a blessing. I can't pin point why i always feel like growing up is  supposed to always be painful. I don't picture any laughter or fun after i become older. Your smile brought me joy and it seemed like it was the only thing i had left to look foward to. I lay back and think to myself. I know I can't stop you from feeling how you feel. Things just got so hectic. I don't want to be that bruised person that is looking for joy in things that doesn't really matter to them. But I can't be somebody if i have nothing. This world has taught me that nobody is going to understand you like you do. I kept dreaming about a perfect fairytale ending, but it turned out to be something I don't even want. The only thing i want is my mind and my feelings to be on my side. I hate being mentally at war with myself. Im battling alot that nobody knows about.

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