From Jariana, To Jariana

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Are they threatened by me? Do they see me as competition? They probably don't really think much of me. They've been ignoring my presence but little do they know, i have been cooking up something that everyone is about to get a taste of. A part of me has been waiting for this moment for a long time now. And I'm scared about the outcome of it but i only get one opportunity. I need to do this. I need to see what all i am capable of. Nobody is me and i am nobody else. I think I need to start using that in a positive way now. Every breath i take is going to get more intense. All these words i say are actually going to mean something one day. I may not have everything that everyone else has, but now i am planning on how to get it. And i know i will come across some storms, maybe even some hurricanes, but it will not be the end. Sometimes i will fall but i just need to pick myself back up. And say my name with confidence. No one else will say it. I am my own
gift and curse. I am my own inspiration. I make some mistakes but i am still changing. I may not even understand who i am. But all i want is self recognition. Self respect. Self confidence. Im
not going to aim to please you. I'm gonna aim to please myself. To look back 20 years from now and still be proud. And to say i have lived a fairly decent life.

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