Im Stuck

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I wanted to stay silent for so long. I wanted to just save myself the embarrassment. I'm trying to find myself in a place that isn't for me. I drink until my body turns on me. And nothing around me feels real. Im scared to fall to the ground in front of everyone so I'm trying to walk straight. But when i try, it looks worse. So i just fall. And its okay to fall. Once i hear that "are you okay", i get paranoid because i feel like you are judging me. I feel as if i cant handle anything. Im still that 16 year old naive little girl in the inside. Trying to find her way. The girl that nobody really knows. I'm stuck in a pattern where i get mad at you because i see you moved on. And they say if they moved on that quickly, they never cared about you. You don't realize that I've been there and done that with everything. I've been heartbroken and depressed. I've been beat down and dragged. But i seem to be a bird that hasn't yet gotten their ability to just fly away.

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