Sky Journey

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I sabotage myself with this fear i have. Believing that i wont be able to breathe, sleep, or eat without you. But I've been doing it this whole time. My heart beats 300 times per second as i'm trying to get these words out, but nothing can explain how i feel. All i can say is i need help. I need a friend that's gonna be there for me but I don't want to deal with anyone anymore. I just see myself as i object that not everyone should have access to. And the ones who did, are lucky. I don't need a smile on my face to be happy. Im still here. My family is still here. That's all that matters. My dreams fade away as I become wide awake now. I accept that this is real. I worry too much. I cry too much. Sometimes i love too much. And i hate myself for that. Every little thing i do has to be done in fear. Im tired of living like this. I look into the sky and see my future. I see my life above. And  for one short second, i'm okay with it. But then i look back down, and i see everything i fought for. Everything i learned. Everything i hated. But I've realized that everything we see has a connection to us. If we know it or not, this is where its going to end or this is where it's going to start. It's up to us to choose.

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