Letter to God

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God, I want to ask you...Am I doing well? Am I truly trying to be a good person in your eyes? I always have these doubts that take over my mind. As if I'm not doing enough. The worst feeling is the feeling of the loneliness inside of me, Even when i'm around people. They say it's best to spread love and positivity, but I think you know that sometimes people just can't accept that. And that's when I feel like I can't spread your word. Because it feels like no one is going to listen. I feel like I have no power or strength when that happens. And that's when I start to feel weak. But when I call out to you, I don't want it to only be when I'm the most vulnerable. Because times like these shows who a person really is. I hope you know who I really am. I'm just trying to find my way.

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