Never Ending

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I need to be held by you. I need to understand why things ended the way they did. I don't want to grow old and never know why. I don't want to grow old without you. You are apart of me now. That life line of tears running down my face and sweat running down your back as you run from the truth. But the truth is that we knew that this wasn't gonna last. I just don't want to walk away from it. Call me a fool, but i don't care anymore. I gave myself time and i gave myself plenty of thought about whats going on. But all i can think about it you. The fact is that i cant see myself happy. Im always worrying about the future. I've been asking for help but sometimes i don't feel like I deserve it. Ive been blindsided by the fun and the image. None of that matters anymore. I just want to mean something to someone. But knowing that people just want what they can get out of me, makes me view things differently. I cant be so naive anymore. I have to do this for myself. I'm on this never ending journey to find out what happens at the finish line. But I'm not aware of the race itself. And the prize is still unknown. Maybe there is one. Maybe there isn't.

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