A Longing and Ideal..

935 13 29

Warnings: smoking

Noel sat in his room at the window, smoking. He knew it wasn't good for him, but he didn't care. It was how he was coping with everything. He really didn't care about it. No one could tell it was him when they came over because his mom smoked too. He was staring out the window when his phone went off.

M: Noel, Can I come over?
N: yeah, sure. Is everything okay?
M: I will say when I am there. I will not be long.

He sighed and put his phone down, putting the cigarette out on his arm, wincing at the pain it caused. He threw it out of the window, not really bothered. The poet got up and put on a red sweater to cover the scars over him and waited for Mischa. It was a few minutes later when he got a message from Mischa, saying that he was there. Noel quickly ran down the stairs and opened the door, only to be quickly embraced in a hug by the taller boy.
"Mischa-" Noel winced slightly in surprise.
He quickly closed the front door and took Mischa up to his room.
They were both sat on his bed whilst Mischa zoned out, his eyes red from crying.

"Mischa, what's wrong? Do you want to talk about it?." Noel asked hesitantly.
"It is Talia. She.. Uh.. She broke up with me" Mischa sniffed, trying not to cry again.
"Oh, Mischa, that horrible..."Noel hugged Mischa again. He felt bad for him but, he was also slightly happy. He felt guilty about that. He shouldn't be happy about it. He hated to admit it, but he was hopelessly in love with the Ukrainian. He knew this meant he had a chance but he mentally scalded himself about it and focused on comforting Mischa.
"She doesn't deserve you Misch.." Noel whispered, rubbing circles into his back.
Mischa's breathing has calmed down slightly.
"Can...can I stay here tonight?..."
Mischa asked.
"Of course Mischa, that's fine" Noel said.
The two of them pulled away from the hug. Mischa cupped Noel's face with his hands.
"Thank you, Noel Gruber.." He said.
Noel blushed.
"Of course, Mischa...." Noel whispered.
The two gazed into each others eyes, slowly getting closer. Then there was a knock on Noel's door. Noel moved back and turned his head to the door.

"Noel, sweetie, Are you okay in there?" Noel's mom, Lacy, called.
"Uhm, yeah, I'm fine, one of my friends are staying over" Noel replied, his face was red.
"Okay sweetie, I'll be downstairs if you need me"
"Okay mom"
Noel looked back at Mischa,
"Sorry about that."
"It is fine, Noel" Mischa smiled slightly.
"Well, uhm, what do you want to do?" Noel asked.
"Uhm.. I do not know.....can you just...talk?.."
"About what?"
"uh, I do not know.. Yourself?.."
This caused Noel's face to heat up more,
"Uhm well, my favourite colour is red, I've actually written a few poems since the accident, I'm half French.. My dad, he was French,but y'know he left after finding out my mom was pregnant... There's also something else, but.. I don't know..."
"You do not have to say if you are uncomfortable"
"Thank you Mischa... I don't think i can say yet.. But maybe soon..."
They hugged again.
"Do you want to watch something?" Noel asked.
Mischa nodded, "You choose"
Noel smiled as he put on Chicago and sat down next to Mischa again. Mischa hugged Noel as he sat down. Noel blushed but tried to ignore his feelings. The two ended up cuddling whilst watching the musical and Mischa quickly fell asleep. Noel smiled, playing with Mischa's hair. He knew he liked Mischa. He'd known for a while. He thought his feelings were obvious, they were to the rest of the choir. How hadn't Mischa realised? He sighed, lying down next to Mischa, cuddling up to him and falling asleep.

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