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Once again, Nina was waking up in a strangers bed. She tried to sit up, but a pair of arms wrapped around her, preventing her from moving. Nina tensed up a little, but stayed there, not moving.
She went over the last night in her head, for once she could remember it. It was so different to the nights before... So so different. It was...passionate and not just rough and violent.

She rolled onto her other side, facing the stranger, letting her eyes trace over all the other womans features. She looked pretty...
The sleeping woman pulled herself closer to Nina, resting her head on her chest. Nina cursed internally. She couldn't leave. She was already dressed, she should've been able to just grab her bag and leave. But she couldn't. She just layed there, continuing to let the girl sleep. She thought over what had happened. It was sweet...and passionate. How it was meant to feel. She remembered the feeling of the gentle kisses up her neck, how soft the girls hands were on her skin. She subconsciously placed her hand on her neck, thinking about the marks that covered it. She wasn't sure if anyone had ever actually given her hickeys before this...

She felt the woman shift in her sleep as she began to wake up. Nina felt her face heat up. The woman didn't let go of Nina for a moment, but when she did, Nina missed the warmth of it. Nina sat up slightly, unsure of what to say now. This is why she normally didn't stick around.
"Thank you for last night" The woman smiled at Nina.
Nina nodded, "Of course... It was nice..."
"I'm glad you think that"
As the woman got up, Nina took a moment to properly admire her. She had long blonde hair that was slightly damp since they'd showered. She was tall as well, around the same height as Mischa. Nina hadn't been able to properly see her eyes yet, but she was sure that she'd get lost in them anyways. The woman pulled on a hoodie as Nina picked up her bag.
"Would it be okay if I walked you home? I'd like to know that you get back safely" Her smile was so sweet that Nina couldn't deny it.
"That'd be nice" Nina nodded, quickly tying her hair up, knowing it was a mess.
The woman smiled, taking Nina's hand in hers as she walked out. Nina blushed, trying to ignore this weird feeling.

They walked most of the way in a silence, every so often stealing glances at the other. Both of their faces were a faint pink, and they both knew that something was there, whether they'd admit that ot not was a different issue.

It took them a while to get to Nina's house, but neither of them seemed to mind.
Nina thanked the woman as she approached the door.
"Of course, hun" She smiled, "Same time tonight?" The woman smirked as she asked.
Nina's face flushed a light pink, but she pretended she wasn't affected,
"Sounds great. Your place?"
The woman smiled and nodded as she began to walk away. Nina watched her as she left, realising she never got her name. It was okay, she could ask later.

She sighed as she quickly ran to her room, grabbing a cigarette and lightning it as she did. She knew she was fucked -figuratively this time- She knew exactly what was going on and sge was terrified. She didn't like it. She didnt like it at all. She sat and stared out of her window. God... She couldn't think. The only thing on her mind was the woman. Her perfect hair, her enchanting eyes. Nina was star-struck, and she hated it. This wasn't good. She was screwed. She was zoning out, unsure on what to do now. What was she meant to do? Think over the events of the night and fall even more? She didn't think so. She was already beginning to regret agreeing to do it again. She never did this. This is just giving her more of a chance to become attached. She really didn't want that. But it was far too late to take it back now. Would she regret this? Probably. Definitely. Would she enjoy it?...yeah. She wouldn't deny that. How could she not enjoy it? Especially if it was like last time. God, she wanted to feel that again. She was desperate to feel that loved again. She'd do anything. Anything. To feel it again.

She didn't know when, but at some point, she'd started crying. She got up, throwing the cigarette away as she walked to the bathroom. She stared into the mirror, her hands resting on the sink in front of her. She looked at her reflection. She looked like a mess. Her makeup was running, she felt lightheaded and like she was going to throw up. She sighed, quickly washing her face before going back into her room. She got changed into something more comfortable. Nina had decided that she'd set an alarm to wake her up later, so she could get some rest. She needed it.

As you know, time passes quickly when your asleep. So Nina awoke to the blaring of her alarm. She sat up, turning it off and rubbing her face. She wasn't sure if she was prepared to do this again. But here she was.

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