A Crush?..

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Savannah sat in her room, thinking about Ricky. She found herself doing that a lot recently. Whether she meant to or not. Unfortunately, her parents were back now, meaning she couldn't invite Ricky over. She missed seeing his face light up when they spoke. She sighed and pulled out her phone and started messaging him.

Ricky ^-^
Sav : Hey Ricky!! :)
Ricky : Oh, hey Sav! :3

Savannah smiled at her phone. God they were adorable. That was a normal thing to think about friends, right? Whatever

Ricky ^-^
Sav : How are you? :)
Ricky : I'm okay! A little bored though, how are you? °^°
Sav : I'm alright. I'm pretty bored as well, there's not much to do with my parents back.. I miss having the choir come around :(
Ricky : it was fun spending time with you! If you want, we could could meet at the park?
Sav : yeah sure! What time?
Ricky : maybe in a few minutes, if that's okay??
Sav : of course! That's fine!

Savannah smiled at her phone. She's going to meet with Ricky! She paused for a second. Why was she feeling like this? Ricky was just a friend. So why did she feel like this? She thought about how she felt around him. How she blushed when he laughed and smiled. How she got butterflies when she sat in his lap. She didn't realise, but she'd began to blush just thinking about him. She quickly got up and threw on her cat hoodie. She reminded herself that Ricky's birthday was soon. She could get him a matching hoodie and some cat stickers! She smiled and quickly checked her phone.

Ricky ^-^
Sav : I'll leave now, do you want me to walk to your house and we can walk to the park together?
Ricky : yeah sure! :3

Savannah giggled slightly and ran downstairs.
"Mom! I'm going out!" She yelled.
"Don't stay out too long or I will take that stupid fucking phone off of you, Penny." Her mom yelled back.
Savannah frowned and mumbled,
"Yes mom."
She quickly left, trying not to cry. She had tried explaining to her parents that she wanted to be called Savannah. They didn't respond to it well. She pulled out her phone.

Ricky ^-^
Sav : I'm on my way, Ricky.

Ricky frowned slightly as they saw the message. Savannah never really used punctuation in her messages. Something was definitely wrong. He threw on a galaxy hoodie and left his room. His parents were out so he picked up the house key and waited for Savannah to get there. It didn't take too long for her to get there.
"Hey Ricky!" Savannah smiled slightly.
"Hey Savannah! Are you okay? You seem a bit off.." Ricky frowned slightly.
"Oh!" Savannah looked surprised,
"uh, yeah? I don't know... My mom's just..."
Ricky awkwardly left his house and hugged Savannah the best he could with his crutches,
"I'm sorry.."
Savannah blushed slightly,
"it's okay.. I'm used to it I guess.."
"You shouldn't have to be used to it... If you want, you could stay at mine? My parents will be out for a while."
"I'll ask my mom...she should be okay with it."
Ricky nodded awkwardly walking along on his crutches next to Savannah. Savannah noticed Ricky struggling to keep up and slowed her pace to match his. Ricky noticed and smiled. They walked the rest of the way on a slightly awkward silence.
They sat at the park for a moment before either of them spoke.
"Uhm, I actually have something I need to tell you that none of the choir know..." Ricky fidgeted anxiously.
Savannah looked up,
"Yeah, uhm, I think I might be non-binary.."
"Oh! That's okay! Would you like me to use different pronouns for you?"
Ricky nodded, "please can you use they/them?"
"Of course I can Ricky"
Savannah smiled and placed her hand on top of theirs. Ricky's face heated up.
"thank you." Ricky smiled.
Savannah felt her face heat up,
"Uhm, I'll message my mom asking about staying at yours"
Ricky nodded.
Savannah wasn't lying completely when she said that but she also wasn't telling the whole truth. She did message her mom, who responded quite quickly saying "Whatever, just tell me when you'll be back"
But she also messaged Noel.

Noel! 🌹
Sav : Noel, I know you're probably busy but I need to ask you something
Sav : How do you know if you have a crush on someone?
Noel : Oh, jesus christ on a bike, okay.
Noel : you're always happy to be around them, you smile every time you get a text from them, they make you feel like a little kid giggling, you can imagine spending your life with them
Sav : shit..

She had a crush on Ricky..

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