Confessions And Secrets

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"Connie.....I.... I think- no.... I know I'm in love with you...." Ocean said, tears still rolling down her face,
"I'm sorry for running off yesterday... I panicked...and ended up running to Noel's to get his advice...."
Constance put her hand on Oceans cheek.
"You love me?.." she mumbled.
Ocean nodded.
"Oce, I love you too, I think I have since we first met...."
Ocean frowned slightly,
"but I was so horrible to everyone"
Constance just shrugged,
"You were nice to me, whether you realised it, or not.."
Ocean smiled slightly,
"Uhm... Well.....will you be my girlfriend?.."
"Of course I will, Oce" Constance smiled.
The two stood there for a minute, not realising what was happening. The two got closer again, this time, Ocean was more confident, she gently kissed Constance, placing her hands on the shorter girls waist. Constance blushed, softly kissing back. The two parted and smiled at each other.
"Uhm, do you want to tell anyone about us?.." Constance asked.
Ocean froze slightly, she wasn't event out to anyone in the choir, except Noel.
She hesitated before answering,
"Can we only tell Noel?"
"Of course Ocean, that's fine"
"We should probably go inside now before the others get worried"
Constance nodded, the two walked back inside, to see the others talking to each other and they sat down with them.
"What are we talking about?" Constance smiled.
"How Mischa and Penny can literally watch Saw V like its a comedy." Noel rolled his eyes.
"Yes, but I also think peoples reactions to it are funny, like how you kept cuddling up to me when you got scared" Mischa smirked.
Noel's eyes widened and he blushed, hiding his face in his hands. They all laughed slightly at the poets reaction.
"Oh uhm, guys, I actually wanted to say something," everyone turned to look at Penny as she spoke,
"Uhm.. I've been thinking and, uh, I don't really like being called Penny, uhm, could you guys start calling me Savannah instead?.."
Ricky's eyes widened at this and he smiled, she was keeping the name that he gave her? They smiled, happy that she liked that name so much, and funnily enough, Ricky would admit that she did have the greenest eyes. He thought Savannah's eyes were beautiful, and so incredibly easy to get lost in. He quickly pulled himself back to reality as he heard Savannah whisper to him.
"Are you okay Ricky? You zoned out for a second?" she whispered.
Ricky nodded, 'I'm fine, don't worry' he signed and smiled at Savannah.
The taller girl nodded and smiled at Ricky, causing him to blush slightly.
"Okay, what do you guys want to do now?" Savannah asked.
"Can we play truth or dare?!" Constance asked.
Savannah laughed slightly, "Sure! Who's going first?"
"I want to go first!" Mischa said.
They all agreed to let him go first.

"Space Jesus!" Mischa said, causing Ricky to look at him, "Truth or dare?"
Ricky pulled out his phone, "Truth"
Mischa rolled his eyes in a joking manner, "Okay! Uhm! Do you have crush on anybody?"
Ricky paused for a second, did they? They weren't too sure on how to differenciate between romantic and platonic feelings, despite the fantasies of Zolar.
They weren't sure on how to respond, so they just said the truth, "I don't know. I'm can't tell the difference between romantic and platonic feelings well"
"That is a little boring but okay, you get to ask now"

"Ocean, truth or dare?" the robotic voice spoke.
"Uhm... Truth?" Ocean said anxiously.
"what's one secret you haven't told any of us"
Ocean froze slightly, "Not exactly a secret, but I still feel horrible for how I treated all of you before the accident. Uhm, i don't want to continue speaking about that subject so, Mischa, truth or dare?"

"Dare!" Mischa said.
"Uhm, okayy, uh, I dare you to kiss anyone in his room?"
Mischa thought for a second and kissed Noel on the top of his head.
"You did not specify where and Noel is closest to me and I do not want to move" Mischa said.
Noel, on the other hand was a flustered mess.

"hmm," Mischa thought for a second, "Savannah, truth or dare?"
"dare, obviously" Savannah smiled.
Mischa smirked, having picked up the tension between her and Ricky earlier,
"I dare you to sit on Ricky's lap" Mischa smirked.
Both Ricky and Savannah blushed. Savannah turned to Ricky,
"Are you okay with me doing that?.."
Ricky hesitantly nodded. Savannah awkwardly sat on Ricky's lap and Ricky put his chin on her shoulder.

"Constance, truth or dare?" Savannah asked.
"uhmm, truth?" Constance said.
"Do you have a crush on anyone?"
"......yes" Constance said, hoping Savannah wouldn't ask anything else about it. And luckily, she didn't.

"Okay, Noel, truth or dare?" Constance asked.
"Mmmm, dare" Noel picked at his nail polish.
"I dare you to kiss Mischa because he kissed you on his go"
Noel sighed, and kissed Mischa on the cheek. Mischa blushed slightly, but ignored whatever he was feeling, it wasn't relevant.

Savannah looked at her phone and noticed the time,
"guys, we should probably sleep now, it's almost 11.30"
Ocean nodded in agreement.
They all slept on the floor except Savannah and Ricky, who ended up sleeping on the sofa.
Mischa cuddled up to Noel, feeling safe around the poet,and Constance and Ocean held hands as they fell asleep. They were all exhausted, so it didn't take long anyway.

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