Take a Break

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Constance's routine was becoming more and more repetitive recently. Get up, work, eat, sleep, and then repeat it all again. Her parents were currently away. They never properly explained why, all she knew was that it was something to do with her brother.

She knew her friends had been worried about her missing school. Especially Ocean, but she thought she was fine. Everything would be fine.

Ocean would be lying if she said she wasn't frustrated. Constance wasn't replying to anything. She knew she could see it, but she wouldn't respond. She couldn't deal with this anymore. She was worried sick. She sighed, and instead of going to school, she went straight to Constance's house, trying to get there before Constance opened the bakery. Luckily, she did. Ocean didn't bother knocking, she walked in, and saw Constance sat at the table, with her head in her hands.
"Connie?" Ocean anxiously asked.
Constance's head snapped up, looking exhausted,
"Oce?.. Why are you here?... You should be at school.."
"I'm here because I'm worried about you" Ocean walked up to her.
"i- I'm fine, Oce-"
"No- You're not. Constance, you look ill. How much sleep have you been getting?"
"Please don't lie..." Ocean placed her hand on Constance's cheek, and frowned slightly,
"Connie... You're burning up. You're not doing anything today, you need to rest."
"- No. Connie. You need to take a break. I'm sure your parents will understand.."
Constance was too tired to argue, and just nodded,
"Thank you... I'll stay with you until you're better, alright?.."
"But you need to go to school.."
Ocean shook her head, "you're more important than that right now."
"Oh.." She said quietly. She didn't realise how much Ocean cared until now.

Ocean held her hand out for Constance to take,
"Come on, go and lie down and I'll bring you some water"
Constance pulled herself up, "Could you get some painkillers too?...i kind of have a headache..."
"Of course, sweetie," Ocean smiled, "i love you.."
"I love you too, Oce" Constance placed a kiss on her cheek, before heading upstairs to her room. Ocean quickly grabbed a bottle of water, and some painkillers, before heading upstairs.

Constance was laying in bed, and she'd put on some music, keeping the volume low. Ocean smiled, handing the water and painkillers over to her girlfriend.
"Do you feel any better now you're laying down?" Ocean sat at the edge of the bed, next to Constance.
"A little better..." Constance smiled, "Thank you.."
"Of course, hun. You really need to take a break sometimes... Don't push yourself."
"Oce, i mean this in the nicest way possible, but that's a little hypocritical coming from you."
Ocean sighed, "i know... But still."
Constance giggled softly, "come here," She held her arms out.
Ocean smiled, and layed next to Constance, in her arms.
"Connie, you're adorable" Ocean giggled.
"So are you, my rose" Constance smiled.
The nickname caused Ocean to blush and hide her face in the crook of Constance's neck.
Constance just smiled, and placed a kiss on the top of Ocean's head. This was nice. They could just cuddle with each other, and they could be okay. It was nice. This was all Ocean had wished for, even before the cyclone.

Sometimes she still felt like she didn't deserve it, and like she was an asshole, but the choir would try to remind her of how much she has changed since then. She really appreciated her friends. She was glad they forgave her, she didn't know what she would've done if they didn't. She loved the choir a lot. They were all a small little family who could all rely on each other.

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