Each other

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Lacy slowly woke up, her head pounding. She looked around, trying to remember what had happened the previous night.
She saw Gabby lying next to her, and both women's clothes thrown across the floor. Lacy's face heated up as she looked back at Gabby, noticing hickeys covering Gabbys neck. She panicked slightly before remembering everything. Her and Gabby- oh god. Her face was bright red now, thinking about it.
Gabby shifted as she woke up, she seemed confused as she opened her eyes, but when she saw Lacy, her face also turned red.

"uhm..." Gabby mumbled, "You remember everything that happened?"
Lacy nodded.
They sat awkwardly in silence for a moment before Lacy spoke.
"Go and get dressed and we'll talk.." Lacy looked away as Gabby got up, grabbed her clothes and went to the bathroom.
When Gabby left, Lacy got up, pulling her own clothes back on.
Gabby knocked on the door and Lacy let her back in. The two stood awkwardly in the middle of the room before either of them spoke.
"so...did we?..." Lacy asked obviously trying to incinuate something.
"uh.. Yeah.." Gabby's face was bright red.
"Oh- uhm- this might be a good time to mention that I'm in love with you..." Lacy admitted.
Gabbys eyes widened,
"Really?- You actually like me?"
A smile slowly made it's way onto Lacys face,
"Yeah... I- I did in highschool as well..."
"Oh my god.." Gabby stuttered, unsure what to say,
"I- i love you too, Lacy..."
The two hugged, enjoy each others embrace.


Noel had gone to stay with Mischa for the night. His mom had let him know that Gabby was around and he wanted to give them time together without him intruding. He and Mischa were sat on his bed. Noel was sat in Mischa's lap and Mischa was gently carding his hand through the poets hair. They were sat in silence, neither of them sure what to say about the events of the day. It was odd. Karnak was human now? It didn't make much sense to any of them. They had promised to visit after choir some days. They weren't sure what they'd do whilst there. What could they talk about or do? It's not like Karnak didn't know anything, he knew a lot. Noel sighed, leaning into Mischa's touch. That was all that mattered right now. Him and Mischa. And they were both happy. So it'd all be fine. At least, that's what Noel hoped. He knew that he didn't have the best luck when it came to stuff like that. But maybe this could be where it changed? This could be the start of a better time in his life.


Lacy and Gabby were now cuddling, both smiling and whispering to each other. Gabby soon fell asleep in Lacys arms. Lacy began to think about when she had liked Gabby in high school. She remembered that her and Gabby had been close. But Lacys parents had never liked her. When Lacy admitted to her parents that she likes Gabby, that was the worst time in her life. She was taken away. For 5 years. She wondered what her parents would think now. They'd probably hate her. Take her away again. She didn't want that. She pulled Gabby closer, almost to reassure herself that she was fine. And that her parents weren't here. They weren't going to send her away. She wasnt going anywhere. They had each other and that's all they needed right now.

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