Визнання в любові

559 8 18

Mischa woke up before Noel the next morning, but stayed there, wanting the poet to get as much sleep as he could. He began to play with Noel's hair and eventually he woke up too. Noel looked up and smiled at Mischa as he opened his eyes.
"Happy borthday poet" Mischa said quietly.
Noel softly laughed at Mischa's pronunciation of 'birthday'.
"Thank you Misch" Noel said as he sat up.
Mischa nodded and smiled, looking at Noel.
Noel rubbed his eyes slightly and stood up,
"I'm gonna go get changed in the bathroom and you can get changed in here, just call for me when you're done"
Mischa nodded as Noel picked out some clothes and went to the bathroom. Mischa quickly got changed and messed with his hair before taking out his contact.
"Poet, you can come back in now!" Mischa called.
"Okay!" Noel walked back in.
Mischa's jaw dropped slightly as he looked at Noel. He was wearing a dark red cropped shirt and some black ripped jeans. Mischa quickly tore his eyes away from the shorter boy and coughed awkwardly.
"Uh- you look handsome." Mischa said quietly.
Noel felt his face heat up, "Oh- uh- thank you-"
Mischa could feel the tension grow and slightly regretting saying anything.
"Uh- we should probably get some food." Mischa said and Noel nodded, still recovering from the complement.
They ate breakfast in silence, nit knowing what to say, but soon Ocean and Constance got there.
Noel smiled and hugged the both of them, happy to see them. Not long after that, Ricky and Savannah got there. Noel also hugged the two of them. They all sat around talking for a while before Ocean asked if they could give Noel his gifts yet. They all agreed, but Mischa insisted that Noel could only open his when the others weren't there. He didn't say it out loud, but he wanted it to be a special moment for the two of them.

Constance gave Noel his present first, it was cookie versions of him and Monique. Noel looked over them, seeing all the tiny details that Constance had put into them. He was incredibly impressed and hugged Constance, thanking her.

Next was the gift from Savannah. It was a crocheted doll of him, with multiple outfits that he could change. One of which being a Monique dress. Noel smiled as he looked at it. He had quite a lot of stuffed animals that he could sit it next to. He thanked Savannah and then Ricky passed him theirs. Ricky had painted him, dressed as Monique, in what looked like a scene from Chicago. The whole choir was impressed at Ricky's artistic abilities.

Finally, Ocean handed Noel his present. She would be lying if she said she wasn't incredibly nervous about how Noel would react. It was neatly wrapped, which Noel had expected, and carefully opened it.
His eyes widened as he realised what it was. He held it up slightly and looked over to Ocean,
"i- is this what i think it is?"
Ocean smiled slightly.
"Monique's dress" She nodded, "I just made the skirt slightly longer"
Noel laughed softly and pulled Ocean into a hug.
"Thank you Oce." Noel said, on the verge of tears.
"Of course Noel, i know how much Monique is a part of you" She smiled slightly.
Noel nodded and wiped his eyes.

"There is also other thing that me, Ocean and Connie done!" Mischa smiled.
Noel raised an eyebrow as Constance took a red velvet cake out of her bag.
The poet looked in shock,
"You three made that?"
"yeah!" Ocean smiled, "Mischa's actually really good at baking!"
Mischa smiled awkwardly.

The rest of the day did pass kind of quickly. Eventually it was just Mischa and Noel again.
"Poet! I have got presents for you" Mischa smiled and held the bag out to Noel.
Noel took it and was incredibly curious. The first things he opened were the pens and notebook, which he really appreciated. Then was the rings which he immediately put on. And then he noticed the rose at the bottom of the bag.
"Like the one from the afterlife?..." Noel said quietly.
"You remember that too" Mischa smiled.
"How could I forget it.."
Mischa smiled and took Noel's hand,
"I also have another thing to say."
Noel tilted his head to the side.
Mischa took a breath as he continued,
"This is little bit difficult for me to say, but poet, i am in love with you. I think I have been ever since afterlife. You have such a big affect on me. You are just wonderful. So, poet, will you be my boyfriend?..."

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