
708 13 14

Warnings: Shitty parents?

Her,  Savannah Lamb, had a crush on Ricky Potts. Fuck. What was she meant to do? She felt her face heat up.
"Sav? Are you okay?" Ricky frowned slightly, "You've gone really red."
"Oh! Yeah! I'm fine!" She laughed awkwardly.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, Uhm, and my mom's fine with me staying. She just said to let her know when I'm coming back." 
Ricky smiled and nodded, "Okay! How long do you want to stay?"
"Is it okay if I stay for a week?"
"Of course, Sav!"
Savannah blushed at the nickname, "Thank you Ricky"
Ricky hugged Savannah, and Savannah hesitantly hugged back.
"Ricky, Uhm, I have a question." Savannah asked.
Ricky nodded.
"Uhm...When...When we were in that weird place, after the accident...uh...why did you concede?"
Ricky took a second, "Well, there wasn't really a point in me coming back. I can't talk. I get ignored. There would really be no point."
Savannah frowned slightly, "I would've voted for you.."
Ricky looked confused, "Why?"
"Well, you were nice to me, despite my appearance. You helped Ocean with the New Birthday Song. You gave me Savannah. You gave me who I am, and I appreciate that."
Ricky began to cry and hugged Savannah. Savannah hugged back and let them cry.
"Thank you Sav..."
"Of course, Ricky! You're.. You're my best friend."
She internally cringed saying 'friend'. She wished they were so much more.
She shivered as the weather got colder.
"Do you want to go back to mine?" Ricky sniffed.
Savannah nodded, "Yes please.."
They two awkwardly walked back to Ricky's house. They got in and sat next to each other on the sofa.
Ricky blushed slightly before asking something,
"Is it okay if I lay on your lap?.."
Savannah blushed and stuttered,
"Oh! Uhm- yeah.."
Ricky awkwardly layed on Savannah's lap, causing Savannah to blush even more.
Savannah hesitantly played with Ricky's hair, causing them to blush. They didn't say anything about it.
"Can I put Tangled on?" Savannah mumbled.
"Of course you can!"
Savannah smiled and put Tangled on. Ricky just stared at Savannah. They didn't mean it in a weird way. They though Sav was very pretty. Incredibly pretty. They blushed and looked away.
"Are you okay there Ricky?" Savannah asked.
"Uh! Yeah! Uh.. I just think you're really pretty..."
Savannah blushed and looked shocked,
"Oh! Uhm, thank you.. I think you're pretty too..."
Ricky blushed. Them? Pretty? How? Why?
"Thank you.." Ricky mumbled.
Both of them were now blushing and unsure what to say.

Ocean smiled whilst talking to Lacy. She liked Lacy, she was nice. She'd given Lacy her mom's number. Even though she really didn't want to. She knew her parents were shit. They done a lot of bad things. She knew that. That's why she stayed at Noel's a lot, to escape it.
Lacy smiled at Ocean,
"Why don't you go upstairs and go talk to Noel and Mischa, sweetie?"
Ocean nodded and ran upstairs. She smiled as she saw Mischa cuddled into Noel.
"Is he okay?" Ocean whispered to Noel.
Noel nodded,
"Uh, yeah, I think he's fine.."
Ocean smiled slightly,
"You should really tell him how you feel Noel."
Noel shook his head,
"I can't, Oce... He doesn't even know about the thing that happened yesterday!.. I can't tell him anything... I don't want him to worry..."
Ocean sighed and sat on the bed,
"it'll be okay, Noel... I know you probably aren't coming to school for the next few days.. But uhm..do you think you can come to the choir practices...just so everyone knows you're okay?..."
"Thanks Noel, I'm gonna walk home now, but, uh, thanks for letting me stay over, like usual"
"Of course Oce, you can always stay if you need"

Ocean awkwardly left and walked home. She was hoping her parents weren't drunk or high. But they probably were.
She sighed and hesitated before entering her house. She was immediately met with her mother.
"Ocean! Where the fuck were you!?" Gabriela yelled.
"I was at Noel's." Ocean walked past her mom and headed to her room.
"Ocean!" Gabriela yelled and Ocean froze and turned around, "Don't you dare talk to me like that! What makes you think you have the right to so that?!"
Ocean snapped,
"You never fucking care! You never have! I try so hard to get everything right, but you don't care! The only thing that you care about is getting high and drunk, and acting like I'm not your daughter! You're such a shit mom! That's why I'm always at Noel's! He actually cares!"
Ocean ran into her room, crying, and slammed the door.
Gabriela froze. She slowly stepped backwards. She was a shit mother. She was turning out like her dad. Shit. She felt tears roll down her face and heard her phone go off. She picked up her phone and looked at it.

Lacy : hi, is this Ocean's mom? I'm Lacy, Noel's mom 😊

Gabriela quickly added the number to her contacts.

Gabriela : Oh, yes hi. Did Ocean give you my number?
Lacy : yes! I hope you don't mind. I thought it would be nice to get to know you! Afterall, Ocean is over here a lot.
Gabriela : yeah. I've noticed.
Gabriela : is it okay if I ask you for some parenting advice?
Lacy : Of course. Why?
Gabriela : Well, uh, me and Ocean got into a fight and she called me a terrible mother. And, well, she's right. I never have cared. But I want to change.
I don't want to turnout like my parents.
Lacy : Oh, that's a lot. Why don't you come over and we can talk about it over a bottle of wine? I give better advice when I'm drinking.
Gabriela : Uhm, okay, just, text me your address and I'll be there soon.

Gabriela wiped her tears and walked over to Ocean's room.
"Ocean, i- uhm.. I'm going out...uh...I'll tell you once I'm back home?" she said softly.
There was sniffling coming from the other room,
Gabriela sighed and grabbed a jacket before leaving.

She quickly drove to Lacy's house, messaging her once she was there. When the door was opened, she was met with a tall, pale woman, with black hair that was tied back in a short ponytail. She had deep blue eyes and Gabriela noticed a few tattoos peeking over the edge of her shirt.
"Hi, uh, Lacy" Gabriela stuttered, not realising her face had reddened slightly.
"Hi Gabriela! Come in, hun." Lacy smiled.
Gabriela nodded and walked in. Somehow, as soon as she entered, she felt more relaxed. She could see why Ocean was there a lot. It was a very warm and homely place.
"Feel free to sit down, hun." Lacy called, "I'm just going to get the wine."
Gabriela went and sat on the couch, fiddling with the sleeves of her jacket as she waited. Lacy walked back in with a bottle of red wine and two wine glasses. She poured out some wine for the two of them and sat down next to Gabriela.
Gabriela froze up slightly at the close proximity of the both of them. Not even her husband would sit that close to her.
Lacy took a drink before looking towards Gabriela,
"Remind me of everything you said, hun. What's going on?"
Lacy asked softly.
Gabriela felt her face heat up slightly,
"Uhm.. I got mad at Ocean, for not telling me where she was and she yelled back... She called mea terrible mother...and uhm.. She's right.. I'm turning into my dad.."
Gabriela had began to cry again, not really realising. Lacy hugged Gabriela, causing the blonde woman to freeze.
"It'll be okay.." Lacy mumbled,
"You want to get better, and that's a start."
"How- uh.. How do I get better?.."
"First, apologise to Ocean...Let her know you're sorry and that you're going to change. Talk to her more, find out what she does and doesn't like. Acknowledge the things she does. Show her you care. Okay?.."
Gabriela nodded, tears still falling down her face.
"Thank you...Thank you so much Lacy..."
"Of course, hun, I can tell that you really want to get better, an  I'm proud of you.."
Gabriela began to cry even more and tightly hugged Lacy. Lacy hugged back and gently rubbed circles into Gabriela's back, comforting her.
"i- uhm.. I should go home now..." Gabriela stuttered.
Lacy nodded and watched her leave. Her brain clouded up with thoughts that she quickly pushed away and continued to drink.

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