New Realisations

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After choir, Ocean went back to Constance's House to bake cookies for the sleepover at Penny's. Ocean smiled as her and Constance spoke. They'd put the cookies in the oven and were stood in the kitchen, talking about random things.
Then Ocean looked at Constance,
"Why do you think we all got brought back? After the accident, I mean."
"Oh" Constance hesitated before answering,
"Uhm, I'm not sure.. I haven't really thought about it that much.."
Ocean smiled and hugged Constance,
"I'm glad we came glad I get to be a better friend to you.."
Ocean didn't know it, but Constance felt her heart break in that moment.


Why did it hurt so much? That's what they were. Constance didn't want to admit it, but she was in love with Ocean. She didn't even know if Ocean liked girls! She'd probably liked Ocean since they first met. Only Noel knew. She knew she could trust him.
Constance smiled sadly,
" too..."
Ocean pulled away from the hug, but she was still holding Constance's arms.
"Are you okay, Connie? You seem a bit off...." She asked.
Constance looked at Ocean,
"Yeah, I'm fine" She knew it wasn't very convincing.
Ocean frowned, "Please don't lie, Connie..."
Constance stayed quiet and looked into Ocean's eyes. It was like time froze. They didn't realise it, but they were slowly getting closer. And when they did realise, their lips were almost touching. A moment later they kissed. Neither really sure who initiated it, but it was quick to end, as Ocean panicked. She pulled away and looked scared.
"i-.. Uhm, I'm sorry. I- I need to go." She stuttered, grabbed her school bag and ran out of Constance's house. She left Constance stood there, confused and upset and crying, worried that her friendship with Ocean had been ruined.

When Ocean ran out of the door she didn't really know where she was going to go. She ran to the park, beggining to cry, and called the first person that came to mind, Noel.

Noel woke up to the sound of his phone going off. He saw it was Ocean calling and answered it.
"Ocean, you better have a good reason for calling me at 10.55pm and disturbing my sleep." Noel grumbled.
"Something happened. Can I come to yours?" She asked, trying not to make her crying obvious.
"mhm, sure, but Mischa's here too."
"Okay, i won't be long."
Noel hung up before feeling Mischa's arms tighten around him.
"What was that?.." Mischa mumbled tiredly.
"Ocean" Noel said, trying to ignore how the Ukrainian was holding onto him, "something happened amd Ocean's coming over, so we should probably go and wait downstairs"
Mischa mumbled in protest, but he didn't want to be alone, so he went down to wait with Noel.
Noel was making himself a cup of tea when there was a knock at the door.

Noel went and opened it and saw a crying Ocean, stood in the rain.
"Come sit down in the kitchen.." Noel mumbled, admittedly, he was still half asleep.
Ocean went and sat down and wiped her face.
"Noel, why do we all come to you when we are upset?" Mischa ask.
Noel sighed and sat down with a cup of tea,
"I have no idea.." He turned to Ocean, "So, want to explain whats going on?"
Ocean sat fidgeting with her hands,
"Uhm... I was at Connie's, making cookies with her and she got quiet and upset after I said something and uhm... Then we kissed...and I panicked and ran off...."
Noel sat wide-eyed for a second before composing himself,
"Sweet jesus christ on a bike...okay, that's a lot to take in.. Uhm... Do you know what you said when she got upset?"
Ocean thought for a second, "I said I was glad I could be a better friend to her.."
Noel sighed again. He knew. But he didn't want to say anything. No. He promised Constance he wouldn't tell anyone. He thought for a bit more. He could hint towards it without saying it exactly, right? He'd try and do something to fix this mess.
" and you say you kissed? How did you feel when that happened?" Noel asked
Ocean blushed slightly, "Uhm... I felt happy? Like, all my problems melted away, but then I panicked.."
"Okay, there's no easy way of asking the next question, do you have romantic feelings for Constance?"

That question caught Ocean off guard. She'd never felt romantic feelings before. At least, she thought so. But the more see thought, the more she realised how different she was with Constance, compared to everyone else. And how she felt around Constance. How she got butterflies every time she heard her laugh. This was the moment she realised, she was in love with her best friend.
"....yes.... I think I do..." she whispered, trying not to cry again.
"Okay," Noel rubbed his temple, obviously slightly stressed,
"well, you should probably tell her that.. Obviously not right now unless you want to, but when you feel like you're ready to.."
Ocean smiled sadly, "Thank you Noel...."
"it's fine Oce, I'm 'the romantic one' I guess it makes sense for me to be good at this"
Ocean nodded, "is it okay if I stay the rest of the night?.."
"Mhm, that's fine, you stay round here a lot anyway, I think there's still some of your clothes in my drawer"
Ocean smiled, "Thanks Noel"
"of course, you can sleep in my room, me and Mischa can stay down here, are you okay with that Mischa?"
Mischa nodded, still exhausted and not wanting to be away from Noel.
"Thanks again" Ocean said before going upstairs.
Noel sighed, getting up and going over to the couch with Mischa following him. The two soon fell asleep again, cuddling on the sofa.

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