Memories And Nightmares

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Constance was sat on the floor of her room, making a bracelet. She thought it'd be a good way to distract herself from thoughts, plus it was something she could give to Ocean. The beads were orange and red with little rose beads scattered about too. Constance smiled, that was the nickname she'd given Ocean. Even when they were kids, but now it felt different.
Constance hadn't really been affected by her 'death'. She didn't know why though. She just sort of...accepted it? The one thing that was affecting her was what happened before. The stupid Carnie. She tried to not think about it much, but she did regret it. It made her feel gross. She brought herself away from the thoughts as she finished the bracelet and messaged Ocean.

My Rose❤️🌹
Connie: Hey Oce, are you okay? <3
Ocean: Yeah, I'm okay. My moms at Noel's.
Connie: is it okay if i come over?
Ocean: Of course it is, Connie! You don't need to ask.
Connie: Alright! I'll be there in a few minutes.

Constance picked up everything she needed and got to Ocean's within a few minutes.
"Are you okay, Connie?" Ocean looked at her girlfriend, noticing that she didn't seem like her normal happy self.
"Hm? Oh, yeah... Oh! Also, i made something for you!" Constance carefully handed the bracelet to her. Ocean smiled as she took it and put it on.
"I love it, sweetheart.." Ocean smiled and placed a kiss on Constance's cheek.
Constance blushed and hugged Ocean,
"I'm glad you do, Oce.."
Ocean smiled softly,
"Now, Connie, tell me what's wrong, because i know something is..."
"i was thinking about what happened before the accident...with the Carnie... You know?..."
"Oh, hun..." Ocean cupped Constance's face with her hands and Constance just hugged her girlfriend tightly.
"It's okay..." Constance mumbled, "I'll be fine, especially if i have you with me..."
"I'll always be here for you Connie, Okay?.."
Constance nodded. She felt safe here with Ocean.


Ricky and Sav were cuddling, like they usually would. Ricky looked at the date before realising. It was April 2nd. There were 5 days until Sav's birthday. They felt bad because they hadn't been able to get anything yet. How were they meant to when Sav was with them almost every moment of every day? They picked up their phone and begun to look at things online. Hopefully they could find something that'd get there in time. They weren't too sure what to get her though and spent a while looking. After a while of scrolling through different things, they had ordered a few items, hoping that they'd get there when Sav wasn't around.
Ricky smiled as they looked down at Savannah, who was asleep in their arms. She looked so peaceful. They really wanted to confess to her soon. Maybe he could do what Mischa did to ask Noel out. They hoped that they'd have the confidence to when the time eventually felt right.

Ricky: Hey, Mischa! :3
Mischa: Yo! Rickster!! Do you need anything?
Ricky: Yeah, actually. So, i plan on asking Sav out on her birthday, like you did with Noel, but i need help planning how to do it, i guess :<
Mischa: Oh! That is dope!! You two are perfect for each other
Mischa: And i would not make plan, just do it when time feels right and speak from the heart, you know?
Ricky: Okay, Thanks Mischa! That actually kinda helped! I really hope it goes well :')
Mischa: i am sure it will, space jesus!! Can i know how it goes after?!
Ricky: Sure! I'll keep you updated! :>

Ricky smiled and put their phone down before looking at Savannah again, who was still cuddled up to them, but was now awake.
"Hey doll" Ricky smiled.
Savannah blushed and looked away as she responded,
"Hey Ricky.."
"You okay?"
"Yeah... Just a small nightmare..."
Ricky pulled Savannah closer to them,
"I'm sorry Sav.."
"It's okay..." She hid her face in their shoulder.
"i hope the nightmares stop soon, doll..."
"So do i... Its just stuff about my parents... I've been having nightmares like that for ages..."
Ricky softly traced shapes onto Sav's back,
"I'm here for you, Sav..."
"Thank you, Ricky"
In that moment they just wanted to kiss her and tell her that they love her. Maybe soon they could.

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