A Way To Help

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Tw: mention of death

Lacy and Noel had agreed that they'd have a movie night. When Noel got back late, and was acting off, Lacy knew that something was wrong. They'd watched the entirety of Chicago, and they were half way through The Blue Angel. Noel hadn't spoken at all, and he obviously had something on his mind. Lacy sighed and paused it, causing Noel to look over at her.
"Sweetie? What's wrong? You're obviously thinking about something..."
"It's nothing..." He mumbled.
"It's definitely not nothing.."
"You know i went with Mischa?.."
"Yeah? Didn't do anything, did he?"
"No no, he didn't... He- he got a letter from his mother, in Ukraine, and she's gotten more ill... I wish I could help him gert to see her again" He explained.
Lacy nodded, staying quiet for a moment, "Who's Mischa staying with at the moment?"
"One of his old friends from Ukraine, Nina."
"Could you ask him for her phone number?"
"Sure?.." Noel picked up his phone, and messaged Mischa quickly, getting a response. He gave his mom the phone number, not questioning it.

[It was cold. So, so cold. And dark... And lonely... Oh, so lonely. They promised. They lied. How could they.]

Ocean was still looking after Constance, who was feeling slightly better, but was still ill. Constance's parents still hadn't gotten back, and she was getting even more worried. Ocean was trying to comfort her as much as she could, even though it was difficult.
"Connie... I'm sure they'll be okay, really." Ocean was playing with Constance's hair, whilst Constance was cuddled up to her.
"What if they aren't though?" Constance mumbled, she was staring at her phone, waiting for some kind of news update incase anything had happened. She refreshed the page again and fell silent. Oh.
Oh no.

She felt her heart drop and shatter as she read it.

-Tragic accident-
Two adults and a child dead in a car crash just outside of Uranium. Three members of the Blackwood family found dead in a destroyed car. It seems like a car crash but there are no signs of a second car or, person.

Constance was sobbing as he put her phone down and clung onto Ocean. She didn't know what to do or what to say. Ocean just held onto her. She was in shock. She never thought something like this would happen. It felt impossible.
"what- what am i meant to do?... I- I can't keep the café running on my own." Constance continued to sob.
"You're welcome to stay at mine... About the café..." Ocean sighed, "We'll figure it out, okay?.."
Constance and Ocean's phones started to go off. The choir group chat.
"I don't wanna talk to them..." Constance mumbled, she felt kind of bad, but she could only handle being with Ocean right now. It would be too overwhelming if it was anyone else.
"That's okay..." Ocean carded her hand through Constance's hair, "Do you want me to tell them that you need space?..."
Ocean quickly sent a message and turned her phone off, "It'll be okay.."
"Can we start taking my stuff to yours?.." Constance mumbled, "i need something to distract myself.."
"Of course, sweetie" Ocean said softly as Constance got up, "I'll call my mom so she can take the stuff over, okay?"
"Okay..." Constance mumbled, "I'll go get some boxes..."
Ocean nodded as Constance left the room, and she called her mom. Not surprisingly, Lacy was there too, but that was okay. That just meant they had more help.

Lacy and Gabby got there quickly, and helped the girls pack, so it was done relatively quickly. Lacy and Gabby didn't bring up what had happened, they knew they shouldn't. They all gave Constance some space, letting her talk when she wanted to. She mainly spoke to Ocean, and when she did, it was only quietly. But that was okay. Constance needed time.

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