An Old Friend

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When Noel had gotten home, it was very quiet. He carefully closed the door behind him, wondering where his mom was. Usually she'd be sat in the kitchen or something, but she wasn't today.

He went upstairs and knocked on his moms door. There wasn't any response, so he pushed the door open slightly to look inside. There was no one there. He sighed, this was becoming more and more constant. His mom hadn't even been leaving him notes to tell him where she'd been going anymore. But he knew. He closed the door harshly and stormed to his room, slamming that door too. He flopped back onto his bed Sure, he was happy for his mom! She'd found someone! But since then, she'd been spending less time with him, and he missed it. He missed the movie nights where they'd just watch Chicago and The Blue Angel over and over again, and how he'd rant to his mom about his friends, or Mischa. But now that was gone. He felt like he shouldn't have been mad, but he was. He fell asleep, holding onto the first plushie his mom had given him. A small raven plushie.


Mischa was panicking. He'd finally done it. He'd finally annoyed his 'parents' to the point of them snapping. And now he had no where. He hadn't even had time to get all his stuff. He had his laptop and phone, and all of the things Noel had given him. He hadn't even had time toget any spare clothes. He was stood outside the house, in the rain. He had tried to message the choir chat but his phone had died.

He then remembered something Talia had told him. One of his childhood friends, from Ukraine, had moved to Uranium. Maybe he could go there?... But he hadn't seen this person in ages, what if they didn't remember him? What if they were homophobic? What would he do then?
He sighed. He had to at least try. Otherwise he'd have nowhere.

He thought back to the message about their address. It wasn't too far. Probably a 10 minute walk. He knew where it was. He made sure he hadn't dropped anything before beginning to walk. He didn't exactly rush, he didn't mind the rain. It remided him of when he was younger and would play with his mother.
He cursed as he accidentally stepped in a deep puddle, although it didn't make a difference because he was already drenched.
He looked at the street name. It was the right street. The house was right on the corner. Number 2. Mischa stood there for a moment before knocking. The door opened and there was a girl stood there. She looked slightly older than Mischa. She was tall, her short black hair was tied back and her eyes were a soft hazel.
"Міша?.." Her gaze softened at the sight of Mischa.
"i am sorry for interrupting-" Mischa tried to explain himself.
"Stop rambling and come inside! You are going to get ill!" The girl grabbed his arm and dragged him inside.
"i-" Mischa was about to start talking again.
"i swear, do not start rambling again, go upstairs and get changed, you can take any of my clothes" She shot him a look as he left.
Mischa ran upstairs, he was freezing. He looked through her clothes, trying to find something to fit him. He ended up changing into a black button up shirt with a spider web design and some black cargo pants. He grabbed his bag and ran back downstairs, where the girl was now sat at the table.
"Sit, Міша" She nodded to the seat opposite her.
"i feel like i am being interrogated" Mischa joked, which was met with an eye roll.
"i made this." She pushed a bowl of soup towards Mischa.
"how did you make that so quickly?"
"Right, sorry"
The girl smiled slightly, "Well, Міша, i did not know you were in Uranium"
"Most people do not" Mischa looked at the bowl of soup, "adoptive parents kept me secret because i was a dissapointment. Why did you move here, Nina, this town is shitty."
Nina frowned slightly at the comment about his adoptive parents, but answered his question,
"Well, I had no family left in Ukraine, and i wanted to live somewhere small and quiet and Natalia told me about Uranium"
Mischa nodded, "Right.."
"My turn to ask questions again mister, why did you turn up at my house in the middle of the night, during a storm?"
"I annoyed adoptive parents too much and they kicked me out" Mischa shrugged, "i knew they would one day"
Nina frowned and placed a hand on Mischa's, "i am so sorry.."
"is fine.. Would have gone to friends house but they are all probably asleep, plus, phone died before i could ask"
Nina nodded, "You can stay here, i have a spare room, just opposite mine you can stay there, okay?"
"Are you sure? I do not want to be bother"
"i am sure, it will be nice to have company" Nina smiled, "Now go get some rest, Міша, you must be tired"
Mischa smiled and nodded before taking his things upstairs, and almost immediately falling asleep.

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