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Warnings: Noel sufferering with bad self esteem, brief mention of scars (including sh scars)

The next day rolled around quickly. Penny woke up, somehow, she'd moved from Ricky's shoulder, to his lap. Ricky was sat playing with her hair, he'd been awake for a while. Penny got up and blushed.
Penny awkwardly stood up,
"uh, I'm gonna go get ready for school"
Ricky nodded, his face also slightly red.
He quickly got changed, trying to ignore what he was feeling. Did he even know what he was feeling? Well, no, not really. He'd never really had a friend like Penny before, someone who actually cared. He ignored it and messaged Penny telling her she could come down again. Penny quickly ran down the stairs and smiled. She'd taken her hair out of her braids and had it down. Ricky blushed slightly more, hoping that Penny didn't notice.
"Are you ready to go?" Penny asked.
Ricky nodded, grabbing his crutches and struggling up. They both got in the car, and drove to school.

Noel had been awake for ages, he probably only slept one hour before waking up from a nightmare. This was normal for him though. He sat there playing with Mischa's hair. It became morning, and Mischa finally woke up
"Morning Noel" Mischa mumbled.
Noel blushed at Mischa's voice.
"Morning" The poet said, quietly.
He messaged Ocean, asking her to come down when she could, so he could get changed. Ocean quickly ran down the stairs and raised her eyebrow at the sight in front of her.

Noel got up and went to get changed. He took off his shirt, and looked at himself in the mirror. He stood there in his binder and boxers and stared at his body. He looked at all of his scars. Ones from the accident, self inflicted ones, and burn scars. God he hated his body. He stopped his thoughts there and quickly got changed into his school uniform, and then running downstairs with his and Mischa's school bags.
"Are you two ready?" Noel asked.
Ocean and Mischa nodded, still tired and trying to properly wake up.

Constance pulled herself out of bed, less enthusiastic than she was before. She knew that it was obvious that she'd been crying. She quickly got ready and left, not having enough energy to eat.

The day dragged for all the choir, all for their separate reasons. They all dragged themselves into the choir room, Mischa and Penny were probably the most enthusiastic. Ocean led the choir like usual, but less enthusiastic and on top of things, which was very unlike her. They ended practice and grabbed their stuff, beginning to figure out who was driving who. Mischa refused to go with anyone that wasn't Noel. Ricky wanted to go with Penny, and that left Ocean with Constance. Usually, this wouldn't be a problem, but considering recent events, the two hadn't spoken to each other the entire day. They all noticed, but decided not to say anything.
The two silently agreed and they all left to go to Penny's. Ocean hated how awkward the drive was, but still thanked Constance after, that was the first word she'd said to her all day.

They all went into Penny's house and sat in the living room.
"Do you guys want to watch some movies?" Penny asked.
"Yeah! What if we all pick a movie and then we watch all of them?" Noel suggested.
"I also think this is great idea!" Mischa smiled.
They all agreed and picked out their movies. Penny chose Tangled, Ricky, of course, chose cats, Noel chose Chicago, Mischa picked Saw V, much to the distain of Noel, Ocean, Ricky and Constance, Ocean chose Waitress, and finally, Constance chose Heathers.

Everyone protested Ricky's choice, except for Penny, who didn't mind, as long as she got to see Ricky happy. They all got changed before starting the movies. Ricky was wearing Penny's clothes from the previous night, causing Penny to blush again. She thought he looked adorable in the cat hoodie. She wouldn't admit that out loud though. Penny was wearing a different cat hoodie, to match Ricky, Noel was wearing a large red sweater, and black plaid pajama pants, Mischa was wearing a loose fitting blue shirt and red pajama pants, Ocean was wearing a hoodie, one Constance had given her, with ducks on it (-a/n-I feel like Ocean would like ducks and birds) and Constance was wearing a hoodie with lollypops on it. They all sat in their pairs, Ocean cursing herself mentally for making everything between her and Constance awkward.

They all agreed to watch Cats first, mainly to get it over and done with. Penny was pretty sure that her and Ricky were the only ones enjoying it. Next, they chose to watch Waitress, which Ocean was happy about. Constance's heart fluttered seeing Ocean happy. She wished that the previous day don't happen, so she didn't feel this awkward. After that, they watched Chicago, all making an effort to stop Noel from singing all of the songs. After they decided to watch Saw V, everyone except Mischa and Penny were terrified. A few times, Noel would get even closer to Mischa and put his head in the Ukrainians shoulder. After that they watched Tangled. Mischa wouldn't admit it, but he definitely cried at the end, Noel noticed, but decided not to say anything. And finally, they watched Heathers. Ocean thought about how similar Constance was to Martha, the more she thought about it, the more she realised how she could be Veronica, the shitty best friend, who didn't care until it was too late. She felt tears began to form.
"Uhm, I'm just gonna stand outside for a minute..." Ocean said, going to stand in Penny's garden.
Constance began to get worried and told the others that she was going to check on the girl.
Constance awkward walked out to the garden.
"Ocean?.." She hesitantly said, causing Ocean to jump slightly.
"Oh, Constance, hi..." Ocean said, starting at the sky, and not looking away.
"Ocean...we need to talk about yesterday... I k now you've been thinking about it too....."
"I have..." Ocean admitted.
"can we talk about it?..."
"What is there to say, Connie? We kissed. That's what happened."
Constance walked in front of Ocean, and kept eye contact as she spoke.
"But why Oce?..."
Ocean felt tears begin to roll down her face,

(-A/n- Sorry but you guys are getting left on a cliffhanger, I'm not really sorry tbh ;) , you'll have to wait for chapter 5)

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