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The next morning Noel ended up taking Mischa home, but unknown to him, Mischa wouldn't be going to school. He had something else planned.
He quickly messaged Ocean.

Mischa: Will not be in school today but will try get to choir.
Ocean: Mischa! You can't do that!
Mischa: i can and will.
Mischa: must plan poets birthday.
Ocean: Why dont you wait till after school?
Mischa: must do it all week. Has to be perfect for Sunday.
Ocean: Fine. But i will be expecting you to come to choir.
Mischa: Only for poet.

Mischa laughed slightly at the messages. Any conversation with Ocean was entertaining. Even if she was a little annoying sometimes. She was like an annoying little sister. He put his phone down and got changed into some black pants and a black hoodie. He didn't own many colourful clothes. He didn't have many clothes. His "parents" wouldn't give him enough money to buy things anyway. He'd usually just steal it and they wouldn't notice.
That was what he'd done to get enough money to buy things for Noel. He quickly left so his parents wouldn't notice he was skipping school.

He took the car and drove down to the mall, feeling slightly excited. He wanted to go all out for Noel's birthday to show him how much he loved and appreciated him. It had to be special because that's what the poet deserved. He walked around a few shops, picking up a notebook, fountain pens and some little rings that Noel could fiddle with if he was anxious. But then something caught his eye. A fake rose. Just like the one he'd given Noel, or Monique, in the afterlife. He immediately picked it up and bought it, hoping Noel would understand the reference. He had also bought a gift bag with roses on before driving back to his house.

He immediately went down to his room. Before doing anything, he messaged Constance.

Mischa: Connie. I have question.
Connie: Yeah? c:
Mischa: Can i come to yours on Friday after choir?
Connie: Sure! Why?
Mischa: Well, it is poet's birthday on Sunday. I was wondering if you could help me make cake for him.
Connie: Aww Mischa, that's sweet!
Mischa: I want poet's birthday to be perfect because i plan to confess my feelings to him.
Connie: That's a great idea Misch!! And yeah, of course you can come over! Oce will be here as well c:
Mischa: That is fine. Thank you Connie.

Mischa smiled, he would make Noel's 18th birthday perfect.

Ocean was panicking slightly whilst pacing her room. She needed to finish Noel's birthday present. She was sewing something and she'd made the pattern and picked out the fabric, but now it was onto actually sewing. She wasn't sure why she was panicking, she'd sewn clothes so many times before. She only calmed down when she heard her phone go off. It was Constance, so she answered.
"Hey Connie.." She said kind of awkwardly.
"Are you okay Oce?" Constance asked.
"i- i don't know. I'm panicking about Noel's gift. I don't want to mess it up..."
"My rose, I'm sure you won't okay? If it helps i can stay on call with you whilst you do it?"
"I'd like that.." Ocean smiled.
The two stayed on call most of the night as Ocean made Noel's gift.

Ricky sat in their room painting. Savannah had left for a few minutes to go and grab something she needed to make Noel's gift. Ricky decided to paint something for the Poet and hoped he'd appreciate it. The silence was quickly broken by Savannah coming into the room, her breathing kind of heavy.
"Sav, are you okay?" Ricky frowned.
"My... Parents..." She was taking deep breaths between her words, "They stop me...."
Ricky got up to hug Savannah who smiled at the touch.
"Thank you Ricks..." She let go of him and sat on his bed, "I got my crocheting stuff though"
Ricky nodded and went back to painting. The two done their own things, sitting in a comfortable silence and sharing small glances every so often. As it got later, Ricky had finished painting for the day and sat, leaning their head on Savannah's shoulder until they fell asleep.

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