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Mischa didnt go home straight away that night. He had messaged Ricky, asking to come over. Ricky agreed, despite being slightly confused. Mischa didn't talk to them that much, they weren't complaining though. He quickly got to Ricky's, and knocked.

Ricky opened the door with Savannah behind them. Mischa looked like he was on the verge of tears.
"Mischa? Are you okay?" Savannah asked as Ricky let him in.
Mischa shook his head.
"What's wrong?" Savannah asked again. Mischa sat next to his friends before deciding to say anything.
"I-I was with poet.. And i- I think we- we almost kissed? And I do not think this is a small crush anymore..." Mischa explained through tears.
Ricky couldn't say they were shocked, both Noel and Mischa were painfully obvious and oblivious.
'Why's that a problem?' Ricky signed.
"There is no way that poet likes me back! It is hopeless..." Mischa placed his head in his hands.
Ricky looked over to Savannah with an 'Is he serious?' look.
Savannah sighed, shaking her head. She placed a hand on Mischa's shoulder, trying to comfort him.
" You know.. There is a very good chance he likes you back..." Savannah spoke softly.
Mischa ran his hands through his hair,
"I do not think he does..."
Ricky frowned,
"As Sav said, he could. Maybe ask him on a date? Something romantic?"
"What if he doesn't agree?"
"Mischa, this is Noel, he loves romantic things, you could get him a rose or something as well? Surely it won't hurt to try?"
Mischa nodded, "I guess..."
"Right, then go for it" Savannah smiled, "Even if he doesn't like you back, he won't be an asshole about it, remember that"
Mischa nodded again, standing up,
"I should probably go now.. Thank you... Both of you..."
Both Ricky and Savannah nodded and said their goodbyes as Mischa left, and made his way back home.

Noel punched his wall, wincing at the pain. Tears ran down his face. He'd probably made Mischa uncomfortable. He shook his head and grabbed a cigarette. He lit it before picking up his phone and messaging Ocean.

Noel: Hey, Ocean, I know it's late, but can you meet me at the park?

Instead of waiting for a response, he grabbed a red hoodie and his keys, and began to leave.

Ocean: yeah, Connie's with me though, is that okay?

Noel smiled slightly at that message, the two girls were great together.

Noel: Yeah, of course that's fine :)

Noel picked up his keys and left, locking the door behind him. The park wasn't too far and he didn't want Ocean to see him smoking so he quickly threw the cigarette onto the floor outside of the park and sat on the bench, waiting. It didn't take long for Ocean and Constance to get there either, both slightly confused about why Noel wanted to meet them there.

"Noel? Are you okay?" Ocean asked, sitting next to him.
"uh, I don't know? Its not easy explaining this but uh, me and Mischa almost kissed, and he left almost immediately after, and I'm worried I made him uncomfortable..." He picked at his nail polish.
Ocean realised how similar that was to when her and Constance kissed for the first time, she'd panicked and ran off.
" I think maybe you should give him space? Let him figure out how he feels?" Ocean tried to sound confident about her advice, but she wasn't.
Constance agreed,
"We don't even know Mischa's sexuality, right? Maybe he still needs time to figure it out? And I'm sure it'll all be okay, you two have been close ever since the accident."
"Thank you.. Both of you..." Noel smiled before hugging both of them,
"Sorry for dragging both of you out this late.. You should probably get back, Ocean, I'm sure your mom will get worried.."
Ocean smiled slightly, "Alright Noel, see you tomorrow at choir?"
Noel nodded, "Yeah.."

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