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Mischa slowly woke up again, getting used to his new environment. He stared at the ceiling for a moment, missing Noel and his friends. He slowly sat up, looking at his phone, which was still dead. He looked in some drawers before finding a charger that actually worked. he pulled out his laptop, deciding to work on some songs whilst he let his phone charged up. He wrote as much as he could, before beginning to run out of ideas. He sighed as he closed the laptop, and checked his phone battery. It was now just over 50%. He pulled it off charge, not looking at any of the messages from his friends. He'd feel too bad about it. He was pretty sure Nina was either at work, or asleep, and sent her a message, letting her know that he was going out.

He got up, throwing on a jacket, making sure to cover any bruises on his arms. He hadn't told anyone, but the night he got kicked out, his 'parents' had done a lot more than just kick him to the streets. In a way, Mischa was glad that they adopted him, instead of an actual 3 year old. If they treated him like that. Imagine how they would be with a small child. He shivered slightly, trying to forget that now. He looked in the bathroom mirror for a moment, and cursed in Ukrainian as he realised he never picked up his contacts when he left that night. Great. He sighed, and slipped his phone in his pocket before leaving the house.

It was cold outside, colder than he'd expected. He shivered, walking as quickly as he could. The streets were relatively quiet, seeing as it was a Sunday. He hoped Noel would be home. He probably should've checked. 

He got there after a while, and stared at the door for a moment, feeling incredibly anxious. But he wanted to see Noel. He couldn't stand it any more. He took a deep breath, knocked on the door, and waited for a moment. To his surprise, it was Lacy who opened the front door.

"Oh Mischa! How are you? Please, come in!" Lacy smiled.
Mischa smiled back, "I am okay, is Noel here?"
"Noel's in his room, sweetie. He hasn't left it very much recently."
Mischa nodded, feeling slightly guilty, "Thank you Miss Gruber!" 

Mischa quickly ran upstairs, and slowly opened the door to Noel's room. 

"Poet?..." Mischa looked at his boyfriend, who was sat at his desk, looking stressed. Noel immediately turned and looked at Mischa, his eyes widening.
"Misch!" Tears began to fill Noel's eyes.

Noel ran over to Mischa, embracing him in a hug as he cried.

"Shhh... It is okay, poet... I am okay..." Mischa tried to comfort the shorter boy.
"What- What happened? Why were you gone?"
"Got into an argument with parents and got kicked out. Is fine though, I have a place to stay with old friend from Ukraine. I am sorry for not messaging, phone was dead until today." 
"I'm so glad you're okay," Noel sniffed, pulling away from the hug slightly. 

Mischa placed his hands on Noel's cheeks, wiping away the poet's tears.

"Please do not cry..." Mischa mumbled.
Noel stared into Mischa's eyes and smiled slightly, "Your eyes are pretty..." 
Mischa blushed and smiled, "Thank you, poet.." 

Both of them were now smiling, enjoying each others embrace. Mischa mumbled something softly before pulling Noel into a kiss. Noel smiled, immediately kissing back. He had missed this. He had missed it a lot. He had been longing for it for the entire time. He was longing for Mischa every time they were apart. 

Noel chuckled softly as he pulled away, "I love you, Misch"
"I love you too, my poet" Mischa grinned. 
"Stay for the night?"
"How could I say no?"

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