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Ocean frowned,
"What? What's wrong?"
Noel sighed, getting up,
"He's drunk."
"Okay, yeah. We're going to check on him."
They quickly went downstairs, letting Noel's mum know what they were doing. They quickly got to Mischa's and Ocean looked slightly shocked after finding out that Mischa's room was the basement. Noel went around the side to the door for the basement and found the spare key. He let Ocean and himself in.
"Misch?" Noel asked, walking in.
Mischa, who was sat on his bed, mumbling something, looked up.
"Poet!" Mischa smiled.
Noel blushed at the nickname. Him and Ocean walked in, Noel sitting next to Mischa, and Ocean moving the alcohol away.
"Misch...if you don't mind me asking, why did you decide to drink this much?"
"I was feeling something that was not rage. I did not want to feel that. So I drink. Try to forget...did not work." Mischa frowned, speaking in more broken English than he usually did.
"What emotion?" Noel asked, confused.
Mischa hesitantly answered the question,
"it... It is not important."
"Okay, I'm sorry for asking..."
"What! No! Do not apologise, poet!"
Ocean watched the two of them curiously. She could tell that Mischa liked Noel. In her opinion, it was obvious. The way he looked at Noel, the way he talked about him. She didn't understand how they both didn't know.
"Do you want me to go?.. I think it'd better if I did.." Ocean said.
Nole looked over at her,
"Do you want to walk back to mine? You can talk to my mom. I think she wanted to get your mom's number because of how much you stay over."
Ocean smiled and nodded, leaving the two alone.
Noel hugged Mischa, trying to comfort him.
"Misch... You know it's okay to feel emotions that aren't just rage?.."
Mischa sniffed, wiping his tears,
"It is?..."
"of course it is!"
Mischa blushed slightly,
Noel smiled sadly.
"Do you want to come back to mine? Then we can get you some water and you can hang out with me and Ocean until you're feeling alright?"
Mischa nodded, not really wanting to talk.
"mkay, come on Misch." Noel smiled softly.
He got off of the bed and held his hand out for Mischa to take. Mischa happily took it as they walked out to Noel's car and continued to hold his hand. Noel was extremely flustered but was trying to act like he wasn't. They entered Noel's house to see Ocean and Lacy speaking. They quickly ran to Noel's room so they didn't notice them holding hands. Mischa and Noel sat on the bed, leaving Ocean and Lacy to talk between themselves. Noel and Mischa didn't share many words and sat in silence until Mischa done something. Mischa wrapped his arms around Noel's waist and pulled him onto his lap. Noel turned red.
"oh- uhm-.." Noel stuttered.
"Sorry, do you want to get off?." Mischa frowned and took a drink of water.
"Uhm!.. Nono! It's okay!"
"Are you sure?... I do not want to make you uncomfortable."
"I promise Misch, it's fine.."
Noel was trying to act like he wasn't a flustered mess.
"mkayyy..." Mischa rested his head on Noel's shoulder.
Noel somehow blushed even more.
"Are you feeling any better, Misch?" Noel mumbled.
"Little better. Head hurts.." Mischa frowned.
Noel turned himself around so he was on Mischa's lap, facing him. He cupped Mischa's face with his hands.
"What if you try and sleep?.. We can cuddle, I promise I won't leave.. And you can get some rest, hm?" Noel suggested.
Mischa nodded, blushing slightly.
The two of them layed down on Noel's bed and Mischa rested his head on Noel's chest, of course making sure he was okay with it first, and fell asleep. Noel smiled as Mischa fell asleep, cuddling up to him. He thought for a second and took the risk. The poet softly left a kiss on top of the Ukrainian's head. He blushed slightly and played with Mischa's hair, running it through his curls. God he was hopeless....

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