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Saturday came quickly, and most of them were ready to go back to the warehouse, and face where they were after they died. Their afterlifes. Well, everyone was ready, except for one of them. Ocean. She didn't really want to go back, but she knew they had to.
"Oce, are you ready to meet the others at the park?" Constance asked her girlfriend.
"i think so." Ocean mumbled.
Constance took the others hand as they left, making their way to the park.

Surprisingly, Ocean and Constance were the last ones there, which only made Ocean panic more. She was never late to anything. After they got there, Savannah led them to the warehouse, considering she was the only one who actually remembered where it was. Ocean got more and more anxious as they got further away from their homes, but she pretended to be fine. Constance noticed that her girlfriend was acting off, and tried to stay as close as she could, which Ocean appreciated.

Soon they reached the warehouse, all quite anxious to venture inside. Savannah took a deep breath before stepping inside. The warehouse was pitch black. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a light switch and flipped it on. The room slowly lit up, and a familiar box was sat in the corner. Except there was something unfamiliar about it. There was nothing in the box, but there was something, or someone, leaning against it. Savannah looked at the person and she could've sworn that she recognised them.
"Karnak?" Savannah asked, shocked to see that he was now human.
"Savannah?" Karnak looked up. It was definitely him. The voice was the same, just less...robotic.
He looked quite different as well. He looked thin, seeing as he probably hadn't eaten in a few days, and was shaking slightly. The warehouse wasn't a warm place.
Savannah stepped further into the warehouse, letting the rest of the choir step in. They were all stood in shock.
"Choir...Hello?.." Karnak stumbled as he stood up, using his box to stabilise himself.
"How are you human?" Savannah asked.
"i am not too sure, in all honesty...It is quite odd." He looked confused.
"Well," Savannah said, "Maybe it's linked to what caused all of us to come back?"
"Perhaps it is.." Karnak sat down against his box, not quite used to having legs yet. The choir joined him, forming a small circle.
"Do you still have knowledge of everything?" Noel looked at Karnak.
"I have all the knowledge i knew before, but it seems i no lomger have the ability to see into the future...or predict people's deaths." Karnak explained.
Noel nodded, that made a certain amount of sense in his mind.
"Are you going to stay here still, even though you're human now?" Savannah asked.
Karnak paused for a moment,
"I suppose i am. Afterall, there is no where else for me to reside."
Everyone sat in silence for a moment. They all wanted to help, but they had nothing they could do.
"Maybe we can come here after choir some days?" Mischa suggested.
The rest of the choir expressed their agreement.
"That would be quite nice." Karnak wasn't sure how to express his gratitude to them, seeing as he wasn't used to these new feelings.
"Guys, I'm going to quickly run home to grab some stuff okay?" Constance said, standing up.
"Okay," Savannah looked over to her, "Do you remember the way here?"
Constance nodded before leaving, which Ocean wasn't too happy about.
"How long have you been human?" Ricky asked Karnak.
"I suppose it has been a few days?...I am not too sure." Karnak said, "I am still getting used to having legs, meaning i struggle to walk, so i have simply stayed close to things i can lean against, as to not lose my balance."
Ricky nodded.
They spoke about random things for a while until Constance came back. She'd brought some blankets and food for Karnak, seeing as she noticed how cold and thin he was.
Karnak thanked her before wrapping a blanket around himself, and continuing to speak to the choir for a while. Although, he did miss the company of Virgil.

Lacy was sat in the kitchen, drinking wine. She had been at Gabby's house for the majority of the week. She felt bad for leaving Noel alone, although it seemed like now she was here, he wasn't. She didn't think about it too much, she knew her son had a job, and friends.

She began to think about her feelings now. Her feelings for Gabby. Were they romantic? She wasn't sure. She thought about how she acted around the woman. Her face would heat up at the slightest bit of contact. Her heart would flutter whenever she laughed. The more she thought, the more she realised that these feelings were romantic. She sipped her wine and sighed. She'd obviously had romantic feelings before. She'd dated in highschool and then there was him. Noel's father... The reason she hadn't persued anyone romantically, was because of him. She didn't know if she could trust that people wouldn't leave her. Maybe it'd be different with Gabby? That was if Gabby even liked her, and she wasn't sure if she wanted to find that out yet. She took another drink of wine and jumped slightly when her phone went off. She looked down and froze when she saw it was from Gabby.

Gabby: Hey Lacy!
Lacy: Hi Gabs
Gabby: What's up? You seem down
Lacy: Just thinking, i guess
Gabby: Is it okay if i come over?

Lacy paused for a moment. She knew she couldn't say no to Gabby. Even though she knew tgat now wasn't the best time, she did enjoy talking to the woman.

Lacy: Sure, i have wine
Gabby: I'll be there in 10 minutes

Ten minutes for Lacy to mentally prepare herself. Great. She was already tipsy at this point, but that didn't stop her from drinking more. The ten minutes passed a lot quicker than Lacy would've liked.

She heard a knock at the door and put her glass down befire going to open it. Gabby immediately hugged Lacy. Lacy tensed up slightly, carefully closing the door but hugging back.
"Hun, are you okay?" Lacy asked softly.
"i just needed a hug.." Gabby mumbled.
Lacy smiled slightly as Gabby let go. They both went into the kitchen and Lacy poured outsome wine for the shorter woman. Lacy leant against the counter as Gabby spoke to her, she listened as Gabby ranted about her husband and how difficult he was making the divorce. After a while, Lacy had drank a lot more and was quite drunk at this point. Gabby was a little bit drunk, and decided nit to drink anymore as she continued to rant.
"It doesn't help that Jack got all pissy when i told him i think i like women. God, i hate him.." Gabby sighed.
"You like women?" Lacy looked a little surprised.
Gabby nodded, "yeah, i think i might"
"Same here. I spoke to Noel about it a few weeks ago.."
Gabby didn't seem too surprised about that. She walked closer to the taller woman, who had now put her wine glass down. She began to panic slightly as Gabby pinned her against the counter.
"Gabs- What-" Lacy stuttered as Gabby looked up at her.
"i-...Can i kiss you?.." Gabby hesitated.
Without a second thought, the gap between them quickly closed. Lacy kissed back, her heart rate increasing. Lacy grabbed Gabbys waist, deepening the kiss, causing the shorter woman to let out a soft gasp.
Lacy pulled away smirking,
"Should we take this upstairs?"

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