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Noel sighed as he woke up the next morning. His friends would all be back at school, meaning he had nothing to do and no one to talk to. He opened the choir chat and sent a small 'good morning' message before getting up. He looked through his clothes, trying to figure out what to wear, even though it didn't really matter. The only person who would see him until later, was his mother. He picked our some tight black jeans and a black tank top. He looked at a few scars on his arms and sighed. He hoped they wouldn't be noticed later. Noel sat, staring out his window, awaiting the afternoon when he'd be able to see his friends.

Mischa wasn't too happy when he got to school, Savannah and Constance noticed that too. He acted more upset, now that Noel wasn't there with them. The day seemed to drag on much longer. It got to lunch when Mischa wasn't eating when Constance said something. 

"Mischa? Are you okay?" Constance frowned.
"I am fine, I just miss poet, it feels weird without him." Mischa admitted.
Constance smiled sadly, "Yeah, I get that."
"Yeah, I'll admit I miss him too, it feels weird without his snarky remarks every time I speak" Ocean butted in, "No one tell him I said that though"
Constance giggled at her girlfriend, "I don't plan on it, but you'd have to stop the other three here."
Ocean took a minute to glare at Ricky, Mischa, and Savannah.
Ricky smirked, 'Try and stop me'
Ocean just rolled her eyes as Savannah laughed.
Mischa smiled at his friends. He was glad that he'd decided to become friends with them. It had actually helped him a lot.
"Carrot top" He looked at Ocean, "Do you know when poet will come back?"
Ocean shook her head, "You'll have to ask him that."
Mischa just nodded.
Constance frowned again,
"Mischa, you still haven't eaten. I have some cookies I made, do you want one?"
Mischa nodded, he liked Constance's baking. She was actually really good at it. Mischa took the cookie from Constance, thanking her before starting to eat it.

Ocean smiled looking at Constance. She admired her girlfriend. A lot. She was so pretty, and kind, and caring about everyone. She was happy that she was her girlfriend. She wished she could say it out loud though. She wanted to, she really did. But she wasn't ready. Ocean frowned, being consumed by her thoughts. She didn't think she was good enough for Connie. Especially because of all the things she had said in the 'afterlife', if it could even be called that. She was always so horrible. She couldn't understand how Constance liked her. She didn't realise, but she'd began to cry.
"Ocean?" Constance asked, "Are you okay?"
Ocean looked around and all her friends were looking at her. She panicked and quickly grabbed her bag before running to the choir room. Constance quickly followed her, incredibly worried. Ricky, Savannah and Mischa sat confused for a moment before following.

Ocean sat at the front of the choir room, on the small stage that was there. She sniffed slightly and wiped her tears. The door creaked open as Constance walked in.
"Oce, are you okay?" Constance asked, walking up to Ocean and sitting next to her. Ocean took a moment before shaking her head. Constance looked slightly shocked at that. She usually wouldn't say that. Constance wrapped her arms around Ocean's waist.
Ocean mumbled, "You deserve someone so much better than me... I was terrible to you.. To everyone... I...i don't get how you like me..."
Constance hugged Ocean, "Oce... My rose, I love you so much... You've made an effort to change, and all of us appreciate that, okay. Please don't think this way.."
Constance softly kissed Ocean and they sat there in each others embrace until Mischa knocked on the choir door.
"Are you two okay?" Mischa opened the door slightly.
Constance nodded and stood up, holding her hand out for Ocean to take.

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