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Noel stayed in his room for a while before his mom knocked on the door.
"Noel, sweetie? Please can i come in?" Lacy called.
"Yeah!" He responded, leaning back on the wall as he was sat on his bed.
Lacy walked in, looking incredible tired.
"Are you okay mom?" Noel frowned, worried.
Lacy laughed softly, "I didnt get much sleep hon, but I'll be fine. I actually wanted to ask you about something."
Noel nodded, letting her continue as she sat next to him.
"Uh, well" she seemed anxious about what she was saying, "I was wondering, how did you realise that you're gay?"
Noel thought for a second before explaining, he explained how he'd only ever felt romantic feelings towards guys and not girls.
Lacy smiled softly, "Thank you sweetie... I only asked because i think i might be bisexual.."
Noel looked slightly shocked,
"What made you realise that?"
Lacy paused, unsure if she should say,
"Well... You know how I've been spending time with Gabby recently..."
Noel's eyes widened as he realised what she had said.
"Gabby?" Noel questioned, "Ocean's mom, Gabby?"
Lacy nodded, trying not to laugh at her sons reaction.
"i don't even know what to say." Noel was shocked.
Lacy got up and began to leave Noel's room, "Nothings for sure, sweetie."
Noel frowned slightly as his mom left the room. As much as he wasn't the biggest fan of being related to Ocean, It couldn't be that bad, right?
He thought for a minute. Him and Ocean were already kind of like siblings. And it couldn't be that bad because his mom would be happy. Thats all that really mattered. After that, his mind drifted to Mischa. He knew it had only been a day, but he missed Mischa.

Noel sighed and sat at his desk. He flipped open a notebook and began to write. At first, he wasn't sure what he was writing. It was all in notes. But the more he write, the more ideas he got. So he wrote, and wrote. If he didn't like the poem, he'd tear it out and throw it away. He'd probably been writing for over an hour when he had something that he liked. He looked at the finished poem and smiled. He messaged a group with only him Ocean and Constance in it.

Noel's gay support
Noel: i know you two are probably in class rn, but i just wrote a poem and im very proud of it.
Connie: Thats great Noel! You should bring it to choir so we can read it, I'm sure it's great!
Connie: Ocean agrees too!
Connie: You know what she's like about being on her phone in class.

Noel laughed to himself at that message.

Noel: maybe. I'm hesitant to let Misch see it.
Connie: Alright Noel! We'll see you later! <3
Noel: See you later Connie <3

Noel smiled and looked at his poem, re-reading it. It was probably one of his better poems. He was very proud of it.

He didn't do much more until it was time for him to get to choir. His mom drove him there and they sat in silence, his mom made sure that he was okay before he left and went to the choir room. Being the last one there, he felt a little awkward. He walked in and Ocean ran to hug him,
"Hey Noel!"
Noel was slightly taken aback and froze up,
After a few minutes they'd began to practise. Noel couldn't stop looking at Mischa. He was absolutely drawn to him. Ocean noticed, but didn't point it out.
After a while they'd finished practicing and were all sat around talking to each other. Noel looked at the time, "I- uh- I'm gonna go now"
"okay Noel, we'll see you tomorrow for choir, right?" Ocean asked.
"Yeah" He smiled before walking out.
Little did he know Mischa had followed him. He walked outside when he heard someone speak, a voice that filled him with dread.


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