Going Home

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A few days had passed since Constance had moved in with Ocean. Her childhood house had been sold and the cafe was still closed. She wasn't sure she could run it by herself, especially when she was still at school. Because of this, when Lacy offered to run it for her, she agreed, really thankful for the help. Ricky's parents agreed to work there and help out as well, so they could keep the café running.

Lacy had also decided to make a group chat with her, Gabby, Nina, and Ricky's parents, so they could all help the kids when they needed it. They all found Nina a little odd, but in a good way?.. She wouldn't talk about her work, her family (which Lacy and Gabby could understand) but she seemed sweet enough. She also seemed incredibly protective of Mischa.

Speaking of Mischa. He'd been distant recently too. He'd been avoiding the choir and was always on his phone, like he used to be. He was constantly messaging Talia again, wanting to know how his mother had been doing. Nina immediately picked up on this, as well as being told by Talia herself. She'd been trying to save up money, so Mischa could go and see his mother. She'd saved just about enough for 2 tickets there and back. She knew Mischa would probably want to take someone, probably Noel, with him. She didn't mind that because she knew Talia would be there. She knew Talia would keep the kids safe. She trusted her with them.

"Mischa?" Nina knocked on Mischa's bedroom door.
"Mhm." Mischa mumbled.
Nina sighed as she walked in, "Mischa. You can't stay in your room all day, everyday."
"Why not." Mischa didn't look up from his phone.
"Mischa. Your friends are worried. I am worried."
Mischa hesitantly put his phone down, and moved to sit on the edge of the bed, looking up at Nina.
"i am sorry." Mischa said quietly.
Nina's gave softened and she pulled Mischa into a hug,
"I'm sorry too."
Mischa tightly hugged back,
"i- i just do not want to loose her... Why does this have to happen to me?..."
"i- i don't know, Міша... I know it is not fair..." Mischa held Nona even tighter, not wanting to let go.
"Міша?.." Nina said, "I got two plane tickets to Ukraine and back... You can go see your mother and take a friend with you..."
"What?" Mischa pulled away from the hug, "How- How did you?-"
"I have my ways, kid" Nina smiled a little.
"Thank you- Thank you so much-" Mischa began to cry slightly.
"Of course, Міша, it's what you deserve"
"Can i take Noel with me?.. I want him to meet her..." He mumbled.
Nina nodded, "Mhm, that's fine. And I'm sure she will love him, kid...."

A few more days had passed. The date was May 3rd. Lacy, Noel, Nina, and Mischa were all stood in the airport. Noel was slightly anxious, he wasn't a big fan of planes. As well as that, he was worrying. What if Mischa's mother didn't like him? His thoughts were interrupted by Mischa grabbing hold of his hand.
"You okay, poet?..." Mischa said quietly.
Noel nodded, smiling a little at Mischa. Mischa nodded as well, not letting go of Noel's hand.

When the plane got there, they said their goodbyes, and Mischa and Noel got on the plane. Noel had earphones in for most of the flight, and Mischa was just staring out of the window or writing. When they got there, they were both exhausted. They met Talia in the airport, and she drove them back to hers, telling them to get some rest. They had 4 days to spend time with Tamara. They had time.

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