Knight In Shining Armor

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Noel froze up as he heard someone speak.
"Hey sweetheart~" It was Jacob.
Noel didn't turn around,
"What do you want."
"Cmon, am i not allowed to see your face~"
"I-" Noel was interrupted.
"Leave him alone." Mischa said, his voice deep.
This time Noel turned around, he was so glad to see Mischa.
"What're you going to do about it? Cry to your mom, oh wait, you don't have one." Jacob smirked.
Mischa wasn't thinking and punched Jacob in the jaw.
Noel stepped back, a look of horror on his face.
Jacob staggered backwards and grabbed his face where he'd been punched. He was pissed. He grabbed Mischa's hair and punched his nose. Blood was running down Mischa's face. He punched back harder. Noel watched, frozen with fear. He didnt know what to do. After a minute Mischa had thrown Jacob to the ground and spat on him, causing Jacob to scramble back.
"Stay the fuck away from Noel. Or you will regret it." Mischa glared as Jacob ran off.
Noel hesitantly stepped towards Mischa, "Misch?"
Mischa looked over to the poet. His nose and lip was bleeding and his face was bruised.
"Oh my god Misch." Noel cupped Mischa's face in his hands, "Did you drive here? I'm taking you back to mine."
Mischa laughed softly and pulled out his car keys, Noel took them and dragged Mischa to the car before driving them to his.

Noel walked into his house, still dragging Mischa by the wrist. His mother had left a note, explaining she was at Gabby's, which Noel had kind of expected.
He dragged Mischa into the kitchen and dropped the Ukrainians wrist. He began to rummage through cabinets until he pulled out a first aid kit.
"Noel, you know you do not have to do this right?" Mischa said, sitting down.
"Well, i want to do it." His face didn't show much emotion, just concentration as he pulled out some alcohol wipes and began to wipe the blood off of Mischa's face. Mischa winced slightly at the stinging but neither of them said anything. Noel also got some paper towels and wet them before getting Mischa to hold it against the worst of his bruises.
The two sat in an awkward silence for a while before either of them said anything.
"Poet, are you okay?" Mischa asked.
"I'm not the one who got into a fight. So yes, I'm okay." Noel picked at his nail polish.
"Please tell me if that asshole comes near you ever again."
"Fine. Just, don't get too beat up for me."
"I make no promises Gruber."
Noel sighed and got up to stand in front of Mischa, "Mischa Bachinski. Please do not get into fights for me."
Mischa blushed at how perfectly Noel had said his last name, usually people would say it wrong.
"Fine." Mischa mumbled and looked away.
"Thank you." Noel smiled softly, "Anyway, I'm going to go and get changed into some more comfortable pants, I'll be back."
Mischa watched Noel as he left, tracing over wvery inch of Noel's body. He badly wanted to hold him and tell him how much he loved him. But he couldn't. He didn't want to ruin their friendship. He sighed and looked down at his lap, patiently waiting for Noel to return. This would be a long night.

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